So here I am , on my last continent of my world, tour and I have to say it is the most testing yet. I arrived here on the 15th July, the flight over was ok just a bit of turbulence I only hid my head in the blanket once!!! As you actually fly into Santiago you bypass the Andes mountains which are absolutley beautiful, gigantic structures with fresh powdered snow topping their caps.
santiago itself hasnt actually captured me. It is a massive sprawling city with 32 different disctricts that although keeps itself clean in terms of litter and keeping the streets clean the air quality is absolutely rubbish you only have to step out and breathe in the smog and you feel like you might just get a chest infection!
Despite its poor air quality there are actually a few endearing things about Santiago if you would just give it a chance. For example it is completely flat and then there are these rather large hills protruding between highways which aintain a historical charm. Could be difficult to walk to the top if you suffer with a chest complaint im sure.
So since I have been here I have taken a bus stayed in 2 different hostels, taken a bus tour, hung out with some American girls and procrastinated alot about what I am going to do for my remaining time before returning home. Travelling alone in a country where you cannot make yourself understood can be somewhat frustrating at times and make you feel homesick, however I think if you just keep going and consider all of your options and dont panic it can be quite a character building experience.
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