Early riser thats me...much to the annoyance of my fellow road trippers im sure but I dont care too much you need to make the most of you day eh! So after packing up etc we headed off for our next destination Denmark. Now I didnt anticipate that this trip would take as long as it did... but it took yonks!
Today was my day to drive as Kirst didnt feel so well so behind the wheel i took my place yey I love driving. Our first stop was at some caves..... we didnt stop too long as we were all a bit tight fisted and didnt want to spend that much money going to a cave so we opted to do a hike to alook out point instead. So off we trundled on this hike. We were looking for a look out point but alas as it turned out we walked past it. This only occured to us when we got to a point when we may have had to hack our way through some bushes indiana jones style to get on the path. At this point we turned back and stomped down the hill. Hooray we found our look out point. One would have questioned wether it was inface\t worth the hike but I thought if you just stood on your tiptoes you vcould just about get a shrubbery framed view of Leuwellin National Park. It wa surely worth a picture!
Picture taken we jumped in the car and got on our merry way, we stopped for another view point shot having to drag Jack out of the car to take in what was going on around us in the process. After this point we sort of discovered that we had infact taken a wrong turn or infact missed a turn that we needed to take. Glad to see that everyone was awake! Eventually we got underway and found ourselves at Margaret River to stock up on supplies etc, plus our Jack was wasting away in the back so we needed to get him fed. It was a fair old drive to Denmark after a while Kirst and I swapped she was a bit more hasty than I and there was a small incident with a twig/branch that elevated my heart rate somewhat but hey I maintained my composure very well although both Kirst and I knew that I was pulling the old if I press my foot to the floor then perhaps the car will miraculously begin to break even though im not driving!
Anyway we made it to Denmark safe and sound and checked into this backpackers that was a pretty sweet find. There was only the three of us in the room wiht our own bathroom...what a treat I hear you cry! Yes just for the record it was a treat. We didnt have a late night or anything infact we all wnet to bed quite early as it had been a fairly long days drive. I think it also came to our realisation that unless we wanted to spend the whole time in the car we were not going to make it to Espereance which is a shame but I would rather see a place than drive straight through it.
The following day was action packed Kirst and I went for a hike along the Bibbulmn Track leaving Jack in bed as he couldnt drag himself out of it. This track can be hiked for up to a few weeks or more I think but we of course were only walking a small section of it. Basically the track followed a lake and some park grounds, as pretty as it was there was a strong sulphurous smell which was so strong I really felt like being sick however I wasnt which was good. We met a middle aged couple along the track on the way back, they were just scoping the place out as they were going to do the whole thing... boy didnt that make us feel lazy! So we bid them farewell and made our way back to the car. The track was quite cool and fairly uneventful apart from the odd bee or 20 and the sulphurous smell.
The next activity was blueberry picking, we had loads of fun dashing in and out of the blueberry bushes daring to go to the bushes that the lady had told us not to and nibbling the odd blueberry here and there! I know Im getting to be a bit of a daredevil. The truth be known I was quite concerned as to what might happen to me should the woman catch us nibbling on blueberries, I had visions of giant blueberreis dressed as police jumping out of nowhere and arresting us. Kirst obviously found this very funny, I was a bit more nervous than she. We got sapeaking to an Australian couple about the prospects of working in Australia and they were also eating the blueberries so I felt a little calmer as we would all go down together!.
After we had filled and overfilled our pot with blueberries we went to pay and well the owner of the place had a whale of a time telling us all about the nasty insects bugs and snkes that could potentially eat us, he was scorned by his wife but it was funny. I dont think Kirst could wait to get away as at the first opportunity she was out of the door, where as I wuld have quite happily stood there and listened to him telling us about brown cobras and spiders under toilet seat lids!
We headed back to find Jack and as soon as we had had lunch we headed out for ocean beach. Now optimistically I took my snorkel and mask and suggested to Kirst that she might want to try surfing. However when we got there we got a bit of a sandblasting it was so windy, however some hardcore locals were still in there toussling with the waves. Not for us though we settled for a short sit on the beach but after some brief exfoliation we decided that enough skin cells had been removed from our skin and went for a walk.
Why is it that when you set off for a walk it always seems longer than you had first anticipated and then a battle with your brain ensues where a large part of you would just love to turn back but then the stubborn side and remainder of your brain tells you to continues, so continue we did but goodness me it isnt half difficult walking on the sand, i cheated and walked in Kirsts footsteps as she was steaming ahead in her own little world while Jack braved the waters and I just looked on in what can I say amazement that he could dive in the cold water like that. needless to say he didnt stay in very long!
Despite being a bity of a trek the walk was more than worht it since we got to see some funky purple crabs, im not sure that they were so pleased to have my camera lense shoved in their face but they were so pretty. Due to concerns of the tide coming in which it turned out were totally unfounded we ,ade a swift exit back to the place where we had parked the car. it is a lovely atmosphere around the beaches lots of families and people walking their dogs, a very nice lifestyle. By this time the wind had actually ceased so the walk was much less painful than previously.
Next we debated wether to head back to the hostel and get a jmper or head straight to monkey rock for sunset. Monkey rock is a look ut point down the road which offers a 360 degree view of denmark and the short but steep hike to the top is well worht it. On the other hand I had never been so inadequately prepared for the hike all be it short. As all of my friends know whenever I go on a significant hike I take a bivvy bag which is obviously not necessary in this case but I was in shorts and tshirt and it was hardly the blazing hot as it had been earlier that day. The view was amazing and both Kirst and I were dtermined to see the sunset as was Jack who tried to find protection from the wind behind a boulder but much to his dismay these efforts were futile and he ended up sitting with us anyway. It was quite obvious that we were hardcore brits as other people came up and promptly left as the wind whichtled through their ears but our motto is ... you may only be here once so we say it out and it was beautiful.
We hurried down to the car afterwards whacked the heating on full blast and headed back to the hostel where we had some good grub and listened to an Australian wonman shout at her kids, then we went to bed! What an awesome day!
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