Law & Stu's Honeymoon Adventure
Let's go surfin' now, everybody's learning how, come on and safari with me.....................
Yeah dude, that's right, we've just spent the past few days in Surfers Paradise and it would simply be rude of us not to participate in the local sport. After all its not called Surfer's Paradise for nothing!
Yesterday morning me & Shootaa decided to hit the pure white sand on the gold coast and book ourselves in for a 2 hour surf lesson. Now those of you who know me know that Stu normally has to drag me kicking & screaming into the Ocean but this time it was different...... the water was WARM and the sea bright blue! The sun was shinning and the temperature hit 29 degrees!
Our lesson began at 10am and there were only 4 of us which was fab as the company cater for up to 10 per lesson. Our instructor informed us that 4 was "rad" and that we'd be up on the board in no time........ humm, I dont think so!
Anyway to cut a long story short both Stu & I eventually made it standing on the boards (photo evidence to some in time). It was an amazing rush when we finally achieved it. Not least for the fact that we had nose dived smack bang into the water about 100 times before hand - I thought I was gonna drown at least 3 times (pretty damn scary). The waves were big, the current strong and the rip tides even stronger!
We both came away with a few injuries (cuts & bruises from the ocean floor) and when we woke this morning neither of us could move - we've used muscles we never even knew we had - no wonder all surfers are fit, I had to stand down for the last 15 minutes cos I was beat - my heart was racing so fast I thought I would pass out into the arms of my instructor (pity, I survived!)
After the surfing we went for food..... we were STARVING!! How bizarre that we met up with two guys from Canada who we'd been on the Blue Mountains trip with a few weeks back. They were real fun guys so we spent the rest of the afternoon drinking with them in the Irish bar before they had to catch their plane.
So yesterday it was blue sky and hot sun yet today its rain, rain, rain. Still warm but the sky is grey and the rain is coming down fast. We've just arrived in Brisbane but dont think we'll be here for long. its just a typical city and that's not what we've come to see. We hope to go to Australia Zoo soon and then the plan was either Frazer Island or the Whitsundays but there's a cyclone (Hamish) hitting the north coast and its currently crossing the Whitsundays heading for Frazer so we may have to give them a miss - dont you just lover Mother Nature! All said and done the weather since we arrived has been spot on so we cant grumble about the odd category 5 cyclone now can we!!!!
Still having problems with uploading photies - for some reason the past few computers we've been to dont have the facility to upload. Will get it sorted soon.
Bye for now x
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