Lush Life
Well, what can I say other than this last week has been crazy-hectic, but fun, as always. Last Monday work didn't call me (shame...haha) so me, Nic and Danny decided to go to the zoo. It was a good laugh, but only cos we spent the afternoon pissing about. The animals weren't all that, half of them (i.e. the good ones) weren't in there cages, and I nearly sparked this zoo worker out after she refused to allow me to have my pic taken with the koala's. Basically it was the only reason I went to the zoo and between 11am and 2.30 you could get your pic taken with them, and so I got there at 2.20, and she refused to let me in! Not a happy bunny. And we'd all been to Singapore zoo which was soooo much better. This zoo was lame in comparison...I sound like such a zoo snob! haha
Tuesday I didn't work again, (hehe, although I shouldn't be quite so pleased as I was) and so, me and Nic went to Bondi, like you do. Spent the day getting proper bronzed up and then went back to the lads place cos they cooked us hot dogs with onions as a treat.
Wednesday I went to work, although it was actually a really nice centre, the kids were little angels, and we made goop together, which is flour & water that you pour all over yourself. Or at least that's what the kids seemed to think it was for. Wednesday night was fab. I got home from work to find Nic and Danny had been slaving away making me and Nads tea, and it wasn't any old was a roast dinner! It was so lush, hadn't had one in what seemed like yonks, and then after, to top it all off, we got all dolled up and went to Star City, Sydney's casino! It was the most amount of fun I'd had in days. We all got a bit carried away gambling, (and getting drunk and being stupid) although me and Nads were a bit apprehensive about our gambling abilities at first and so only went on the 1 cent pully machines. Haha. But we couldn't actually figure them out either, it seemed that blackjack was much easier, so off we went for some hardcore gambling. Nic and Danny had got into it from the beginning, and had won about 100 bucks by this point, but me and Nads decided to play safe and work at making money together, and sat down next to this hardcore Chinese gambler who kept gambling on our hands and then having a go at us cos we we're finding it all a bit more funny than what he did. Nads soon told the "sunshine" to get lost though...all very funny. And then I was confident enough to be a lone gambler, and headed off to play Crapps (Monica from friends stylie). It was the best game ever, I was loving it, and won s*** loads, but by the end of the night I'd lost it all again. I only actually spent $20 though, which is better than Nic who spent $210 and lost it all! Haha. Such fun though.
Thursday I worked again, which nearly killed me. A 6.45am phone call when I'd been on the booze all night in the local casino, but I dragged myself up, much to everyone else's admiration, and headed off to a centre which took me 45 minutes to walk to after a half hour tube journey. I was so not impressed, but it's done now, and I'm over it! I was meant to be crashing that night as I was seriously knackered, but Ruth text wanting me to come out cos she has some friends here at the mo from back home, so I came to the mature conclusion that I would go out, and not work on Friday. Haha
Friday I told work I wasn't available when they called at 7am (haha) and had a lie in, then me and Nic went to Marouba, a proper 'locals' beach, but it was actually really nice, and the weather was fab so all was good. Then that evening I went to Canberra!!! I'm gonna have a separate journal for that cos it's a journal in itself once I've gone through my adventure.
Got back from Canberra on Sunday night, and pretty much chilled with the girls, and then yesterday and today I worked. Was in a well good centre today, it was an after school club, so I spent the whole time playing table tennis and table football with the kids and got paid for it! Bonus. Made tea for me, Nad and Nic just now, and then we all decided to venture out to the tinternet. We do everything together, it's all so sweet.
I'm in work again tomorrow (having to make up for the 3 days I had off last week now..haha), but it's actually a new job I have. I'm also employed by an office temping agency now, so I could have a bit of a break from the kids every now and then. And so tomorrow im doing some audio typing in...wait for it...a mental asylum! Haha, Think I should fit in just fine there. Take along me photies and tell them all me stories, and no one will even realize I work there!
So, have to go now, and write all about Canberra for you! Hope everyone's well. Speak soon xxx
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