Lush Life
Hey everyone, guess what...since Tuesday I've been working! I officially have a job.
I work in various childcare centres, and my agency call in the morning once they know where I'll be needed and ask if I'm available to work (of which I said no the first time they called cos I was dying from my night out with Caroline..haha...good impression), but since then I have been ok (ish) and have been able to work. I've been to 2 different centres over 4 days, cos one of them asked me to go back for the remainder of the week which was good, and I've been with loads of age groups from 6 months old to 12. I've changed crappy nappies, fed ickle babies, played with loads of toys, rocked the toddlers to sleep, which is similar to rubbing your stomach and patting your head, as some of them like to be rocked and others patted or rubbed, and as you do two at a time (sitting in the middle of their little beds) it can get very confusing, and I've made valentines day cards and puppet snakes with the older kids. It's all been good fun, and I've really enjoyed it. I haven't appreciated the 7am phone calls though to ask if I'm available that day, but then it's not gonna be forever, and if I want I can even put on my time sheet that im not available til after 10am the following week if it all starts getting a bit too much, and they don't even mind! It's the nights out then early starts that are getting me, cos naturally now I earn money I have an excuse to go out more, cos I have money to spend!!!
The only thing is though is that Nad's has also just started working, and in a pub, so she's at work from 4pm til midnight, so we've hardly seen each other since Tuesday. All a bit sad. But we did go out on Tuesday, down to the Opera House, to celebrate Valentines day, and we ended up getting very drunk and on the way home stopped off to grab a kebab, and Nads saw this plant that she took a liking to, and decided to steal it, but not before dropping the china pot that it was sat in on the floor, smashing it everywhere and obviously drawing attention to the kebab shop owners that she had a plant under my cardie, and its plant opt was in pieces all over their shop floor! It was extremely funny, I was trying so hard not to laugh, cos the owners naturally weren't that impressed. She then did a runner, leaving me to grab the kebabs and skip away after her. And then (there's more) she got a bit obsessed by it when we got home, and decided she would name it Turnstile, and love it forever. So, when you're looking at the pics and going, er, whats that big round green thing, it's Turnstile, the plastic (the thing wasn't even real) plant, which now occupies a place on our mantelpiece.
Wed and Thu night were relatively quiet, just played scrabble etc with Olivia and went out for a few drinks, which were trouble free as Nadia wasn't around. But by the time Friday came round I was completely knackered and needed a drink! Haha So I went out with Nicola (who moved into my room today by the way), Mark and Danny at Bondi. We got loads of goon and Passion Pop (its actual bad) and went down the beach to get drunk and get up to mischief. We couldn't find enough mischievous things to get up to there though, so we went to their old hostel instead, and caused a bit of havoc. Hilly, there's a picture of me in a certain washing machine that I know you'll be very proud of....I learnt that from you! Haha
And from there we went clubbing and played pool and danced the night away and walked into a pool table lamp (the stupid thing was there from where a pool table used to be, but isn't there anymore, and I only managed to walk into it nearly knocking myself out)...bit dangerous though, I might have to take legal action! When we were kicked out of there at 4am, we decided to go back to the hostel for old times sake, and also cos we'd lost Mark somewhere along the way and had a slight recollection of last seeing him there. After singin to any song we could think of for an hour or so, in front of scared onlookers, we dragged ourselves home.
Saturday the weather was beautiful, cos we'd had a storm on Friday, so we headed down the beach and spent the day body much fun, I loved it! And last night was the Liverpool Man U game, so we headed back to the hostel to watch that (after drinking a bit too much passion pop)! We got a good result, which naffed Mark right off (the cockney who Er, supports Man U...loser) but me and Danny (a fellow scouser) were chuffed.
Today the lads went to watch Sydney Adelaide play footie, so me and Nic went down the beach again, to top up yesterdays tan (except she just burnt herself instead) and then we packed her all up ready to move into mine. Jess (my previous roomie) left as a result of the "noise" in the house! Ooooops! Not our fault she didn't drink or socialize, or even step foot out of the house. We're here to enjoy ourselves and enjoy ourselves we do!
Just made me and Nic a bacon butty, mmmm, proper hangover food, and now we're gonna head off and wait for my little squiggle Nads to finish work. She's been on the phone to me all weekend bless her saying how sad and lonely it's been without me, cos I've basically been at Bondi all weekend. I just stayed with Nicola cos it was easier, although their flat is grotty, and the cockroaches are well ming.
Back in our nice flat now though, and she never has to worry about having a cockroach crawl over her in the night again! Then it's back to work for me tomorrow (that's seems so bad now I think of it) but we're out tomorrow night. No doubt I'll have some more funny stories to report in a few days. I hope you enjoy the photies, love you xxx
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