Lush Life
So, Friday night I headed off to Canberra with Olivia and Trigger (that's Olivias boyfriend, he's from Birmingham, I don't think I've told you about him...he lives with us too) who were going to stay with a girl called Marg for the weekend. I met her a few weeks ago when we all went out for a meal, so it was all good for me to get a free place to stay there, aswell as a free ride to Canberra (sweet). On the way though, they put on this firky French cd (Olivia is apparently in the process of trying to learn French, for no reason other than cos Trig can speak it), so I had to listen to random French words being played over and over. Sent me to sleep actually, and then I woke up to find that the petrol light was on (without them even noticing) and as we were literally in the middle of no where (everything around us was pitch black) it was all a bit of a drama. In the end we drove for over 25 minutes (god knows how long the light had actually been on) without coming across a petrol station, but finally found one, and a bottle shop next to it to stock up on booze. Bonus.
Saturday Liv, Trig and Marg had all planned this hike up some mountain, which naturally I had no intention of doing, so instead I borrowed Liv's car (I'm so jammy) and explored Canberra. It was such a beautiful place, and I did all kinds. I started at the War Memorial, and had a guided tour, and from there drove down Anzac Parade, to Old Parliament House, and had a tour round there. I then went to Parliament House, which was the weirdest building I've ever seen, you so wouldn't imagine it to be their Parliament House, so different to ours. You could go on the roof of it and all kinds, it's all covered in turf, it's well strange, but got some good pics from the top, and it was different if nothing else. I also visited the Art Gallery, the National Library, and then went to the Museum, which was loads of fun. Canberra is surrounded by beautiful mountains as well, so I decided to take a road trip up some of them to get good pics of the city, and then went up the Telstra tower, a huge tower thingie on top of the Black Mountain. Great views. And from there I drove to Black Mountain peninsula where there was a beautiful lake, and bbq areas etc, and I watched the sun set.
The great thing about there as well, is that everywhere I went except the Telstra tower, was absolutely free, even the parking. I didn't expect that in the slightest, it was such a great weekend. Canberra really reminded me of Washington, it was the absolute spit of it. They're both extremely beautiful places, with fantastic buildings, and really really easy to get around.
I then made my way back to the flat through the town centre, just to check that out, and waited for the others to get back, then we had tea, and got drunk. But it was great to get out of Sydney for the weekend, especially as it was to the Capital. Made me really excited about my road trip with Nads, which is just 5 weeks away now!
I got some really fab photo's, obviously, except I've taken so many this last week that I need to get a new cd to copy them onto, so I'l buy that in a mo, and will come back tomorrow to upload all of my pics.
Hope you enjoy them xxx
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