Things were definitely going way too smoothly.
We went on a night out on Thursday night with people from our hostel and from a hostel just down the road in the same chain. It gets to about 10:30 at night, and a guy who also lives at the hostel, but also works here came over to us and basically said "You don't have a bed toinght". We were like errr what? Basically STA had booked us into this second hostel rather than the 1 we're in at the moment, but it was partially the hostels fault too coz we'd given them all our booking paper work when we arrived on Monday morning.
The scary thing was, the hostel is completely booked up at the moment so there wasn't even any free beds. Luckily 2 people didn't show up so we moved into a 10 bed dorm. Now this could have been quite good fun, except half the people in there are French, and don't seem to speak below a shout, so we didn't sleep much that night. The next day we went back and they've put us in a 6 bed with 1 girl from Sweden called Emma who we hang around a lot with, which is pretty cool. Speaking of which, my god the language barrier is hilarious. We tend to hang around with 2 Swedish people and a French guy. Their English is really good but they have to get used to our accents, and they don't get a lot of slang, we've had great fun with that :D
So thats been the main drama.
We've had to put our road trip back a few days, so we now depart on Thursday, ending up in Melbourne. There's a guy we hang around with called Matt who is heading over to Melbourne next week too, to see the sights, and hopefully find living a bit cheaper, so we're gonna keep in touch. We've booked into the same hostel for the next few days, though we did look around to see if we wanted to move elsewhere.
It's weird here because honestly its a dive, but everyone loves it. There's a great crowd here, and even people who have moved into different hostels keep coming on our nights out, I'll be quite sad to leave. Though on the same vein, a lot of people who we hang around with are also leaving either tomorrow or next weekend, so it won't be the same anyway.
Yesterday we went on a trek to Bondi Beach. It's such an amazing place (see video), it's just so stunning. Its a proper trek to the beach from the train station though, we were considering going staying there for 4 nights but the nightmare of the walk has put us off, it's literally all up or down hill, and really really steep hills. On the plus side, I had the most amazing BLT, it was like 30cm high, completely ridiculous, though I ate it all, had been craving 1 for ages.
Was a free pizza last night which was good, about half the hostel decended onto the courtyard which was good, could chat to people we wouldn't normally see during the day or at that time. We went out to a pub/club last night too, which was bleh. We just got there in time to get in free, otherwise it would have been $20, but drinks were $8 each, completely ridiculous. We stayed till about 12:30, but that was only because it was a guy called Caspers birthday, and then we headed back, went to bed and had a sleep in till 10 :D
Oh and our hair dryer exploded last night. Victoria plugged it in, sparks flew and there was a bang, so we've bought a new 1 today, hardly anyone has 1 in this hostel from some reason. Oh and we saw our 1st Hunstman Spider last night too, it was massive, probably 20cm across, and it was a baby. And finally I got some eyedrops yesterday, and whatever was up with them, they've cleared up so all is well.
I'll put some pics up of Bondi, as well as the video, when I can be bothered to get Victorias camera to upload em.
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