Jaipur - India
The day that we arrived back in Delhi after the long journey we had booked a mini trip with a driver to go to Rajasthan. We left at about 3 in the afternoon and arrived in Jaipur at 8pm. The hotel had a bit of a strange feel to it, possibly just because we were all so shattered. Our bags were taken to our rooms and straight away we were shown how to lock the door and call reception!! Then a second guy came in, told us the same but added 'if there are any problems we can be here in one minute' - very strange thing to say we thought. Our driver told us to separate our money - so we had the impression that perhaps the place was a bit dodgy! The room was very basic and the sheets were yuk so whipped out the sleeping bag liner... possibly one of the most useful items i have brought with me. When we went to bed, we heard a strange tapping and scratching noise coming from the bedside table!! Sara and i were quite freaked out and both stood on our beds trying to decide whether to open the drawer to see if there was a mouse or something. in the end we went and woke jon up and he put the whole table outside!! Would have been th sensible thing to do, but i didn't think of that! Sez and i still couldn't sleep so we chatted for ages and must have eventually drifted off!
Got up at 8am following morning and left hotel at 9.30. We had an elephant ride upto the fort in Jaipur but it wasn't really worth it. Very touristy and the elephants were being prodded and hit with spikey things which was nasty to see. On the way up loads of people were trying to sell tacky gifts which got a bit much!
Felt by then that i was ready to leave India. Needed to find a place with a new vibe and less hassle factor plus i think i felt home sick this day so the combination wasn't good.
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