Hey, finally a message. Sorry its been sooo long but everytime i have tried to use this journal i've encountered some problem!
Anyway, im now in Penang, Malaysia. It's coming up midnight and im pretty tired! The temperature here is exhausting - just too hot!
Had an amazing time in Krabi, Thailand. Had 4 nights there just to totally chill out. On the 2nd day we all went on a speed boat to see other islands. Snorkelled from the boat which was great. Saw so much sea life that i decided to dive so on the last day i went off diving. My buddy was an Italian girl called Olga. She was lovely and luckily i remembered lots of how to dive properly. She even told me i was a 'safe' diver!! Quite reassuring. Means im ready for Aussi now with refreshed skills.
The whole tour has flewn by but there really have been so many highlights, funny, emotional and totally memourable moments. With only 8 nights left, i feel that Asia has become a comfort zone and somewhere i would definately come back to.
Its hard to remember all the things that we've done but some of the highlights have been the home stays in Vietnam and i even enjoyed the trekking, Halong Bay is a total world heritage - beautiful views and a fun boat stay experience. Kayaking was so good especially as sez and i are such pro's!!
Saigon as a city is lovely, Millions of motorbikes but you get used t dodging them...except for the time i got stuck on one side of the road to the people i was with! Infact that was just embarresing. Especially as one guy filmed me being a typical blonde girl trying to cross a road!
Cambodia was a bit more scary. Didn't feel so safe. Viited the genocide museum which was incredibly shocking and emotional. Just cant believe how recent it all happened. The killing fields were just as shocking. Victims clothes and bones still rested on the ground. Photos of children and all victims were breathtaking. They were all looking directly into the camera so which ever angle you looked at them they looked back in a state of sheer fear. The rooms at the museum still had blood spots on the ceiling. Nasty stuff.
We visited the Russian market and i brought lots too much bargain Gap tops etc. Even a pair of birgenstocks!!
Had a classic night out in Siem Riep and visited Angkor wat - its cool but im not a huge temple fan after seeing so so many!
Bangkok was awesome. Police were everywhere so felt very safe! hadn;t realised the bombs were actually right near where we were staying. Shopping and night life amazing ad on arrival i had my own huge double room the night before tour began again - loved it!
Border crossings have been smooth and no hassle. On this last part of the tour there are 8 of us all same age which is fun. Haven't been out as much as some as im pretty worn out. Roll on Bali just chilling on a beach!
we've all booked flight from perth to syders on 10th feb with virgin blue. So we will stay with lovely Aussi's from earlier on tour in Perth for a few nights. Can't wait to see them again.
Right short and sweet but feel better for cathing up...there are now more piccies under India and more recent ones which iv uploaded tonight. Finally worked!!
Hopefully i will keep up to date again. The schedule is manic but soon won't be.
I miss you all lots, huge cuddles to all
Let me know news! xxxx
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