I got up at 6.00 and walked Sally - she was ever so pleased. I felt like quite a zombie this morning and it took me a few coffees to get going. I went in with Cecil just before 8 as didn't have the truck - and was glad of the excuse not to be able to go in earlier. When I arrived Kedi updated me on the preparation that had been completed and it all seemed under control as Petros had led me to believe! Great! I wondered whether the staff would have stuck to the schedule while I was away, but everyone was focusing on the beauty pageant so I thought best leave any conversations about that until after the weekend.
I had thought that maybe the children had missed me and so would be really pleased to see me, but was quite disappointed by the response I got from them! The girl in the wheelchair 'Wada' was over the moon to see me, as were a couple of her friends. The rest pretty much just looked right through me! Never mind L It was nice that I brought a big smile to a couple of the children's faces.
So everything was going fine until Petros got back and then there were some staff disagreements about the children in the competition. It got a little raucous and I had to act as mediator between two of the staff and explain things to the manager. It was exhausting and when I got home I had food and then went to bed. It was 7pm! But when I heard Cecil and Denise arrive back from Francistown I thought that I had better check to see what else needed doing in prep for the next day. We needed to make crowns, so I found some pipe cleaners and made 6 out of those. They looked pretty good! I would decorate them the next day as Denise made the sashes. So in the end went to bed at 9pm.
Beauty Pageant day!
No walk for Sal this morning as I was decorating the crowns - they looked even better with the sequins on.
The Beauty Pageant kicked off on time (amazing!) at 11.00. I was a judge along with one of Kedis daughters and another girl. I was thrown into a panic when the children started walking in and I hadn't been told what I would be marking on etc. It was a little bit stressful!! But ended out ok and was certainly easier as each of the children were given a name of a car to be parading under….. easier to write and remember unfortunately with my memory. Oh it was so enjoyable! I know as a judge I am not really supposed to have an expression but I had a grin from ear to ear and just couldn't stop smiling! The little ones were so cute and you could see that some of them were really enjoying it.
I really couldn't mark too harshly and I also thought that it was a little unfair marking the dress code when some of the families and children might not be able to afford new clothes…. The whole thing lasted about 2 ½ hours with no break, no windows open as they had been blacked out so none paying people couldn't see in and my water fast running out - hence needing the loo!
I was pleased with the winners and all that entered got a gift which was great. Those children that didn't get a gift, got biscuits and sweets, so hopefully all parties were happy. The day was due to finish at 12.30 but perhaps because the volley ball tournament was on, we were still there at 3pm. Kedi and Thande had done a sterling job of cooking the meat and fat cakes, the kitchen is hot on a hot day! Staff had taken it in turns in the tuck shop - Denise had baked chocolate cakes to sell, we had bonzi (little bags of nik naks), fat cakes, meat and pap, ice pops and drinks to sell also. The music having been rigged up to huge speakers had now been moved to the doorway of the youth centre and was blasting out 'I'm a single lady' for the 100,000th time. Some of the staff was dancing - I was used to seeing Thandi, but not Lovemore who looked very sweet bless him. I wish I had captured it on camera!
We got home at about 3.30 and the rest of the afternoon was spent pretty lazily and I looked forward to a lie in the next day.
I watched a couple of films with Denise today including 'The Proposal' and 'The Break Up', the first was a feel good chick flick, the second I felt pretty depressed!
Walked Sally which was great as I felt a little cooped up in the house and then watched part of a series about the Oka Vanga Delta.The day had gone by slowly, yet strangely it felt as though Monday had come round far too quickly.
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