Our last day and night in Vegas . We started with a final trip to the pool in the 110 degree heat. We could only sit for a few minutes at a time before having to go into the pool to cool off. The pool at the hotel was really nice though and they had the waterfalls switched on today for a shower while in the pool! After one trip into the water, we got back to the sunbeds to find that Laura's book was falling apart - it was so hot that the glue had melted in the spine and every time she turned the page she lost chunks of the book! Most of it was thrown in the bin as she didn't have much left to read.
We finally said goodbye to T at about 3pm. He left to catch his bus to LA before heading to the Cook Islands in a few days. We started to pack our bags (again!) and got ready to go out early - we had an appointment with Barry Manilow at the Paris Hotel! We ate first at the Paris buffet as we enjoyed it so much the first time, and it was just as good - pasta, cuts of beef, chicken, Thai food, French food, a massive dessert section - definitely one of the best buffets in Vegas and a fantastic last meal.
Laura was getting pretty excited by this point as we headed to collect our tickets, and got even more excited when she spotted Coach Bieste from Glee (means nothing to me, I'm just doing the typing!) She was there with her girlfriend and two other friends. Laura spent most of our time before the show trying to get a photo of her. We were given glowsticks (for Barry Manilow???) as we went in but couldn't fathom out how to switch them on until a lady who'd spotted us and the two old women behind us struggling came over to help - you had to snap them, apparently! The show was really impressive and Laura sang along all night. He sang most of his famous songs and also played clips of him singing when he was five years old and his grandad used to take him to a 'Record Your Voice' booth in New York. The production was really slick and it was everything you would expect from a Vegas casino show. He made it all look easy!
After the show we went for a few drinks at the bar in Bally's casino next door. As usual in Vegas, your drinks are free if you sit at the bar and put $10 into the blackjack machines built into the bar top. It can get you free drinks if you're careful with the machine and only press the button every once in a while...but we lost $7 so it would have probably been cheaper to buy the drinks to begin with! After that, it was back to the hotel to finish packing and get an early night after a crazy, unforgettable week in Las Vegas! Next stop - San Francisco!
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