Well here we are back in good ol' Sydney! We left Aunty Pen's a week ago today as I'm writing this and caught the train back to central station. I wasn't pouring with rain this time, which was good, but we had to change to a bus halfway through the journey and then back to the train as there were track works. That's not fun when you have huge bags to lug around. We checked into our hotsel in the early part of the afternoon. Wake Up is probably the nicest hostel we have stayed in so far as it is very clean, and is right near the station. It is a bit clinical though and doesn't have much character. I think a clean bathroom has to win though over everything! We got straight onto the job hunt as soon as we had had lunch as we didn't want to waste anythine. We both managed to sort out a couple of interviews for the next day which was good. We went shopping for some work clothes after, and then went to Side Bar (the bar at the hostel) for a few drinks that night.
We had to have another early start the following morning as we had interviews to got to. We both went to an interview for a sales company, but that really isn't the sort of work I wanted to do so I decided not to take it. I wanted something more stress free, and altough the commission was good I wanted to have a basic wage I could rely on. After that we went to an interview at an employment agency for office work. We managed to get it all done pretty quickly so we headed off to Coogee beach in the afternoon to see the girls and have a catch up. Everyone apart from one of our friends Claire was working too. During the day I had also called up for an apointment with another employment agency that dealt with hospitality and had arranged an interview with them for the next morning. It took me a while to find the place, but when I arrived I had to have a group interview with about 5 other people and watch a video about the company. It's called Troys Hospitality and seems to be quite well known here. I also had to do a skills test, which I panicked about because I wasn't expecting it, but it was easy in the end. I just had to show how I would clear and lays tables etc. I had a one to one interview after that, and they said I could start as soon as I had my uniform. I was very pleased I had managed to sort out some work at last, and Justin had taken the job from the day before, so It was all working out! We went back to Coogee again that afternoon to sunbathe. The weather had been really hot since we had gotten back so I didn't want to watse it! It turned out to be hot all week, with no cluds in the sky or anything. We went for drinks with everyone that night at the CBH pub which is literally one minute from their apartment.
I had to pop back to the agency Friday morning to show them my uniform. They needed to check it was suitable before I could start work. I already had black shoes and trousers, but I had to buy a white shirt, black waistcoat and a tie. I thought I looked a complete idiot when I went to show them but it was ok. I had to buy it all from the shop they recommended which was a men's store! I also had to get a tray, name badge and waiters friend. If it meant I was working though it was all worth it really. Just like the few days before we went to the beach again in the afternoon and went for drinks that night. We bought some wine to drink at the apartment in the afternoon and some food, and it turned into a big night. Justin went back to the hostel about 2 in the morning, but Claire and I went out with some guys from another apartment all night. I didn't get back to my hostel until 7.30 the next morning and hadn't had any sleep. I was so tired! We didn't really do anything the next day so I could recover! We went back to the beach again on Sunday though, so we didn't miss a minute of sun.
Monday was my first night at work, and it was Justin's first day too. He was really nervous in the morning and I was a bit too. I went shopping for a few bits and pieces during the day and also did some food shopping. Although I didn't start until later I didn't really have time to do much during the day. They can call me anythime to arrange work, or ask me to start earlier, which they did that day in fact. I think it's going to be the same everyday, hence why I have been on the internet for hours this morning! I have to leave enough time to eat, get ready and find where I'm supposed to be working. Justin finished early so we had dinner, and then he walked me to work. I wore my uniform and felt really stupid, but most people seemed to change once they arrived which I might do next time. I worked at a function on Darling Harbour and it went ok. I was on cloakrokm all night which was very boring as no one used it! I helped set up after and then went home. I got to leave a bit early, but the minmum we will ever get paid for is 4 hours. We manged to squeeze in going to the beach before work the next day as Justin's boss was ill and he didn't have to work. I took my stuff to get changed there but I stupidly forgot my shirt! That night I work at a cocktail party in an Art Gallery in The Rocks. I was much busier this time so the time went quicker. It actually went really well. The artist was there too, Ken Done, who is supposed to be the Australian Picasso, but I thought he was rubbish! I finished an hour early this time and got to take a bottle of wine home with me, both of which I hope will be regular occurences! I have shifts arranged for eveynight this week except Sunday, so hopefully the money will start to roll in!
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