We bi-passed Christchurch to the town of Kaikoura.
Its whale watching that draws the tourists here, but unfortunately we couldn't afford the helicopter ride for that, though Shani did and she managed to see a huge sperm whale! Very jealous....... We did however just happen across over 50 dolphins leaping out the water doing flips and racing along the coast. Such an awesome sight, and again seals are plentiful. Nice little town, though little being the word.
Booked in to finish my diving course but unfortunately the weather turned and visibilty suffered causing them to cancel!! Not the end of the world as I'll do it in OZ!!!
After Kaikora we headed back down to Christchurch.
The town centre, barely 2 months on from the Quake is still completely shut off and the military patrol the entrances. Even from what we could see around the suburbs and where we could get close to the town an unbelievabe mass of destruction was left. Shops and houses are marked with spray paint to there condition and several huge buildings are roofless, or have no front to them at all. Its quite a sad sight and we did get a taste of just how much damage was done. Piles of rubble are just sectioned off while awaiting insurance checks and to see whether whats left of buildings are safe.
We also felt two tremors or aftershocks (not sure whats right) Only small, but it is a strange sensation none the less!!!!!
Spent some time with shanis cousin too who lives about 20km from the centre of town. A solemn but interesting end to New Zealand........
Things we've learnt or noticed in New Zealand
The driving is easy as there is no-one on the road, though they have this really strange give way to the left rule that DOES NOT MAKE SENSE! Also more than 3 cars counts as TRAFFIC!
They have railway tracks that go through ROUNDABOUTS!
They love the word SWEET AS!!
They prenounce my name as BIIN!
Lots of people dont wear shoes!
Thay have snow capped mountains next to stunning beaches!
There is unexpected wildlife everywhere! (Inc Sheep)
Lovely friendly people
and last but not least SCRUMPY HANDS..................
- comments
H A COLEMAN Brilliant, thanks Laura, I might even get Uncle Bill to visit New Zealand one of these days, the rugby World Cup just might persuade him, great log!!
shoes scrumpy hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!