Dr Drea in da house!
A long weekend at the beach is ibn order as we have been working extremely hard of course and it is a bank holiday on monday. :)
We spent most of the week in minor theatres where they use absolutely no pain relief to debride wounds etc. Oooooweee. On friday we saw a man with three buttocks!! His right one had become two after a fight with a man with a machete!! He was quickly stitched back to his normal anatomy when it was realised that he even had this wound!! We also saw a 4 day old baby get 2 extra fingers and 2 extra toes cut off after its family had tied string around them to make them fall off but not quite tight enough, so they were just surviving!!! No pain relief was required of course because babies don't remember pain of course!
We are staying in a campsite called Pangani at the mo in a giant 3 man tent... definitely the best option as we have heard some terrible tales from the people staying in the bandas (a big hut like building). Apparently snakes live in the roofs and we have seen photographic evidence of a showdown between a long green unspecified snake and a gecko!!! The snake was trying to winch the gecko up to the roof so that it could nom it but it was fighting back. It was in the banda of some teenage girls and the whole horrific, blood splattered affair made some of them cry!! LOLs.
The beach is beautiful but we terrorized some locals by walking out of our designated area in bikinis!!! A man was frantically waiving at us to leave!! oopsee- I think if it as a strike for feminine rights!
Drea out. Brap. xxx
- comments
Winnie, Fanny and Twinnie You are so inappropriate. Did you forget to wax again? Thank god your bezzies here giving you some moral support and sorting out out your sister's 'couchsurfers'. Miss you, but we get more biscuits so not that much xx