Hi everyone
Sorry it has taken so long to udate the blog but there is one very slow and very popular computer in the whole hospital... and obviously we are all extremely busy!!
Since we last wrote, we have been joined by the last of our rap trio- Lizzy Rascal. Woop.
the weekend before last we visited the Usumbara mountain range in Loshoto where we stayed in St Eugene's convent- it was beauiful! They made their own jam and cheese which, needless to say was devoured in a cheese eating frenzy! We went on walks up the mountains- one was to see the waterfalls- I think I may have been expecting slightly too much from this hot, dry country but although it wasn't Niagra Falls it was still very beautiful! We also went on a wlak to see the Arente point- an spectacular view point from where you could see what felt like the whole of Tanzania. I cautiously jumped over to a rocky ledge after much deliberation only to be showed up by some mountain goat children who were happy to throw themselves from ledge to ledge regardless of the enormous drop over the edge!!!
Last weekend we went up a local mountain calleed Magoroto... but after a failed attempt at navigating our own way we gave up and got motorbikes up- a far better idea!!! It was a but clenching ride!
Must go now as the queue is growing around the computer!!
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