Boxing day on Miami beach and the rips are 'dunking, scary and fearce'!!! 'DANGER NO SWIMMING', signs up everywhere as the lifeguards keep their eyes open for rebels! Havnt spotted any banana hammocks yet however we saw two roid heads with their ass cracks showing!!! What the hells that all about hey, ya flamin gallar???
Omg the rips soooo strong there's helicopters flyin over every 10 mins!!! That may also be due to the shark net that was ripped open by a great white on xmas day! But we still decided to brave it with the body board so off we went and it was bearly 2 minutes before the head was dunked and the nipples were on show!!! Lovin the wine with the seasoning of a little sand!!! The well deserved BBQ finished the day off a treat!!! Lovin it :0)
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