Jervis bay, a wonderful, cute holiday town with copious amounts of white sandy beaches!!! We sat watching a military operation occurring in the sea with 2 helicopters landing on a huge war ship as entertainment from our own secluded beach!
After having fabulous fish and chips in the world famous bar we sat and drank a bottle of Sauvignon at the hiskisson pub with a fantastic view!
Well today is rodeo day and were at the Nowra county show just watching the 1.35m showjumping! The storm has passed over and were left with glorious sunshine to enjoy the bullock log pulling, wood chopping, shetland trotters, dog high jump jumping!
Just watching some bull mustering and I'm sure they must be thinking, 'how am I expected to pull any cows when they've chopped my balls off, given me a plastic ear ring and put in an out of date nose ring'!!!
Some of the wood chopping guys I must say are pretty hot, guns to die for and you know they don't have to ponce about at the gym!
The steer riding and rodeo killed it, the bulls were humongous and the clown was there to ensure it didn't stamp over the rider once they'd fallen off! These guys clearly have balls of steel, god knows what they're thinking as they're sat waiting to be released! Only one injury so they clearly know how to hit the deck with style!
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