Hey all thanks for all the messages recently missing everyone loads so keep them coming! I have had no time to edit my pictures so I'm afraid you'll have to twist your necks I'll do it next time uploading photos had been an absolute pain but you now have two blogs and hundreds of photos to explore...let me know what you think...that's another 3 hours spent in an intenet cafe!!
Raquel xxx
Hey Ming!
Hope the homesickness has abated and you're continuing to have a great time on the pull!! Can't wait to hear the latest juicy gossip! India's still wicked - you'll have a fab time out here when you finally arive. I'm off to Nepal this time next week for a couple of days in Katmandu (or however it's spelt!) - 36 hours in a bus from Delhi should be interesting - I hope I haven't got the s***s by then, and they'll let me chain smoke the whole way! I don't think the bus will be anywhere near as luxurious as yours - in fact I haven't seen one luxurious vehicle since being in India!
Keep it most wicked - can't wait to catch up with your latest! xxxxx
Hi Rach,
Really enjoying your blogs! So many countries in so little time, bet your head is spinning. All your photos are fab, really looking forward to your next installment.
Stay safe and above all have fun.
Nat xx
David Adams
Hi Rach
Saw your Gran in Nunney yesterday at the opening of the Castle Hill Quarry Community area. She sends her love, sorry forgot to mention Dean and Adam on the last message, I blame it on my age. We now have another new PCSO, his name is Peter Williams and I am tutoring him. I am going to get everyone in the NHP office to send a short message to you next time.
Had a fab time for my 40th. Bella@Donna held a surprise birthday party for me and lots of people turned up. Had a fab holiday, getting shots pured down me whilst laying on the Bar and then starts dancing on the Bar. .....I am getting to old for that. Will write soon to update you fully, cos can't be arsed now.
Have a fab time EX PC CLARK
Chris Palmer
Had a quick look at your travels, been to Brasov myself,learnt to ski their. Looks as though work forgot to mention adam, Deano is now 006.5 not quite 007.!Take it easy especially with the rocket fuel. Sam says you never sent your apols for the last Stonebridge LAT- report to my office when you get back in March 2008, I av made a note!Regards Chris ( the best boss you ever will have)
Dave A
Hi Rach
Enjoying your Blogs, we are all reading them from the notice board in the NHP office, they are quickly mounting up, will soon be around to Deans desk. Everyone sends their best wishes. Dave, Paul, Darren, Yvonne, Gary, Sam, Lesley and Mark.
Hi Rach
Watching you!!! Looks like you're having a great time! Am loving your pictures, especially the very-drunk-and-asleep-in-a-pub ones! More please!
Kids are missing PC Clarke's visits and the flashing lights, and I'm missing you looking all serious in the paper!!
Laters Missy xxx
Bonsoir Rachel,
Comment ca va? You look as though you are having great fun...keep it up. Sorry I missed you when I was back in England but I look forward to following you around the world from my comfy armchair. Take care and enjoy.
Love Dawn
Hi Rachel,
how are you.I am going to the Isle of wight tomorrow for the weekend with the school it will be fun, anyway I hear you are in Bulgaria today are you having a good time?
love james
Ming ming ming!
Can't believe you're having such a wicked time! I thought you'd have missed me so much you'd be home by now! You'll love your time in India - I'm having a great time here - some of the sights are certainly most wicked!
My internet access in the Himilayas (or whatever they're called) is running out, and I've got to shoot - will add another post when back in the UK!
Continue being bad - have a great time xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx