Yo Homes! Where you at? Are you sure you are having fun, sounds like you are doing a fair bit of crying , no really good to see you are getting on well, and also good to see you made the bus, bravo. Had a nightmare weekend here (check the blog) and are about to don hair nets and start kiwi packing to ensure we don't have to go back, oh in about 3 weeks, if we skive off working any longer!
Big love
Can't believe it was a week ago today that I was arranging your headscarf for your photo shoot in Sainsburys! Ah the memories,
Doesn't time fly!! ...........Make sure you make the most of it as you will be back here before you know it my friend!
Enjoyed my first visit to the blog & seem to have signed up to something so think I may be keeping in very regular contact as a little icon has now apeared which seems eager to feed me information
Hope you enjoy the next few days, were in for the hottest weekend of the year so far so I hope the weathers good for you too, what am I going to do for a garden now?? May have to find out where Steve & Amy are exactly & try to get hold of a key
Thanks for the post card very funny, I have been home ill feeling sorry for myself all week so had a giggle when that dropped on the mat! Your leaving do was ace, who new you were so popular!! Only kidding going to miss you but will have a lovely new house for you to stay in by the time you return & our own GARDEN!!
Take care of yourself...or failing that get the 'others' prepared to carry you back to the truck
lots of love
Hey Bird!
Thought I'd have a 5 minute bunk off work and see where you're to. looks fab-I love Prague. There's a bloody hilarious sex museum if you can find it-think its near the Jewish 1/4. It's been a while since I was ther and needless to say it was a bit of a beery trip! Speaking of which I really didnt think I was that bad at you're do but bloody hell did I feel like death the next day! Being woken up by a 4 yr old peeling your eye lids back and demanding coco pops at 6 am just isn't fun you know!
Fab blog by the way.
Have loads of fun, be safe!
Lots of love
Em xXx
It's lovely and sunny in Manchester! Hope it's the same where you are...
Dan, PC x
Lady Raquel!
Blimey, Prague already! Glad you are getting on with truck life and have already experienced the cultural delights of Belgium, with its love for Phil Collins! He has to be popular somewhere.
Like Nic said, you have nowt to rush back for! Other then the Rach shaped hole in our lifes right now, things are pretty much same same. However, after I left you with your new friends in London, I fought my way out of London to the south coast and saw my Dad before heading back to Bomo for TP's Birthday.
Your mota is running like a dream. Thank you.
Hope to hear from you soon, Take Care
Hi Rach
Your photos look great and your send off sounds even better - have a fab time and we are all envious of you - if the Golden Girls have a surprise win on the Lottery we will meet up with you in Aussie. Take care or yourself and enjoy - hope your fellow travellers are good company for you.
congratulations on making it so far - i'm sure you've gone down a treat with the your fellow travellers., sounds like your hitting the top spots of the world already (crazy nights out bopping to phil collins)
just been doing the gardening and cleaning ready to put the dust sheets on 10 denmark rd - still not sure what to do with that coffin yet, perhaps i'll see if blondie wants it.
don't worry, you've missed nowt on telly (apart from an agatha christie weekend - rosemary phoned to tell me) so there's nothing to rush back to, so you may as well keep your seat on the truck (by the way, have they let you have a go at driving it yet??)
have fun and go steady - oh arsenal got beat at the weekend and cambridge won the boat race -- i'll keep you posted re. the grand national.
laterz - take care and keep in touch
nicole xxx
Top banana Rach!, I know the last few weeks have been manic, I’am sure your alcohol stream has started to dilute …. Slowly!! Watch out for that Czech vodka though, I’ve heard they use it to strip paint??? X
Hi Rach. Well done, you made it to London in time. I guess if you can do that you can make it round the rest of the world! Did benny turn up? If we find him here we can alsways send him on to meet you somewhere! Can you send me your username and password by email and i'll add some photo's from your sendoff. Keep blogging.
Rach have a wicked time. It'll be so easy to follow your progress with this site, I can't believe you have managed to upload stuff already. Do make sure you get to see these countries you visit and you aren't just trapsing around for internet cafe's to update the blog. We will all miss you, but it'll be over before you know it so make sure you make the most of it.
Tab xx
Hi rach..Have a cracking time on your travels....It is safe to say i am well enveous..Keep in touch and have a great time...Rich Norris
Good luck on your travels Rach!
I'm already compiling a list of gifts you can pick up for me whilst you are swanning around the world. Postcards are clearly essential items to be sending me!