Latest photo's and tales are awesome. Iran looks and sounds like a brilliant place. I thought you might like to know some news................ready...................Amy and I are engaged!!!!!! No need to rush back, wedding won't be for a couple of years. Amy is sat next to me now wearing the ring and looks gorgeous!
Keep the photo's coming, can't wait for the next installment.
Hey Rach,
Just heard your msg on Maff's phone, so great to hear your voice. Sorry I have been s*** these last few weeks, course is manic but only three and a bit weeks left.
So I'll make sure I get myself sorted and then I can fill you in on wedding plans, house plans and hopefully job info etc etc. Gonna start my training soon too for the New Forest Half that I have entered with Maff.
Until then take it easy and I will be in touch soon and have chnace to look at all your blogs and your pictures.
Tab xxx
Pc Walton
Hi Rach
I know i said that i would txt at least once a month but it seems you are unlikely to receive this months due to the problems with your mobile so thought id leave this message instead. Me and all your friends on the station miss you loads but envy the adventures that you have on a seemingly daily basis. Keep safe honey, txt soon.
Darren W xxx
Hope all is going well in Pakistan ! Do you still have to wear the disguise? Is the escort to keep you all out of michief? Here is Harri's address 61 Baileys Barn B-on- Avon Wilts. BA15 1 BW. Dan and Donna had a good time despite the weather. It was quite rough around here with wind and rain. In Radstock power lines came down by the police station and all their computers blew up I bet that was fun !!! It's raining yet again today........lovely half term hols for kids.Your dad is going to a funeral today... do you remember Jean Crossman ( Sarah's mum) they used to live at Stalls Farm. He will be meeting up with old flames !! Have fun . Please send some sunshine !! Love and miss you loadsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just a quick note while I'm at Dans feeding Holly dog. Enjoyed your photos from Iran but am not sure about the scarf and dark glasses no wonder the police were suspiscious !!!!!!!! Watch out Pakistan !!!!! We had a couple of nice days at caravan but the bank holiday forecast is as usual for here wet and windy ! No doubt Dan & Donna and kids will have fun whatever the weather. Will give your love to all. If you get very attached to your headscarf I will give you some pearls to go with it as in royal circles !!!!!! Enjoy a trouble free Pakistan ?!!!!!.Love and miss you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi PC!!!
A very big congratulations for getting thru 2 weeks without alcohol!! I am very impressed!!! : )) Sounds like you're having a great time mate, I am keeping up to date with all your travels with great interest (everyone at work knows all about them too!!) Sounds like a real RS!!! Keep the stories coming!
Good news.....I passed the test for the Specials : )))))))) Just waiting for an interview now, I'll keep you updated!! Enjoy your nice cool beer when you're over the border and think of us on the cold and rainy bank holiday!!!
Take care PC and thanks for the postcard! Jen xxxx
Hi All
Now in Yazd in Iran, last few days before we cross the border into Pakistan on Monday...the temperature at our desert bush camp this morning was nearly 30 degrees at 6.10am!! Ridiculous!! I saw seven camel spiders in the space of 15 minutes last night and didn't break out into a sweat so so far so good on the hypnotherapy!!... It's now 1pm and it's close to 40 degrees so I've opted to buy a rather fetching white headscarf to cool down it cost me all of 50p...the cost of living is interesting here petrol is 1p a litre cheaper than water (and whilst in Esfahan I was told by two locals that the profits of which go to Iraq for explosives...interesting!)
Anyway just a quickie for my folks really Mum/Dad still no phone reception so we'll see what happens in Pakistan...please send my love to Curtis on his birthday and could you please ask for Harry's new postal address so I can send something...much love to the rest of the clan Dan, Math, Nan, Kim, James, Curtis, Katie and Kieran...
We're staying on the roof of a local hotel (The Silk Road Hotel) tonight no rooms left at the inn although I think the roof will be cooler anyway!
Next blog from Pakistan (first stop Quetta) in a few days two days are on the road with desert bushcamping until the border and some cold beer!
Miss you all
Rach xx
Helloooo traveller!
I'm not crap at keeping in touch - i just like to leave long gaps so that my messages are appreciated when they are posted!
Still looking great out there. You must be having the time of your life!
It seems like ages ago since we were all sat in Grappa having drinks - and now look at you - not even looking back! We'll have to start planning your welcome home party soon as it's going so fast!
Life here is good - Marcus is back, and typically as soon as i saw him he took us to Mandylins! Have missed that place! Yeah - he had 3 shots down my neck in the first 5 mins - yeah - it was a thursday! My head wasn't crystal clear the next morning - and the first thing i said was...uh oh, marcus is back! (and marcus - if you read this - love you but you are a liability!)hehehe!
Otherwise - Bath lives on, and life is good - but there will always be this little hole in its heart where you belong! hehehehe! We all miss you, and love your photos and stories - keep it coming, and have even more fun (if that is possible!)
Much love from us both ...
TJ & Ben xxxx
Hello intrepid traveller from the cream lounge ! Another day of high excitement here again.......yes we took nan shopping at asda !!! On the good side the weather has been nice again. We are nipping to the caravan for a couple of days without telling 'you know who' . We will take her next week when the kids are back at school. We have been invited to Curtis's birthday bash at Sheridans house on bank holiday monday so will make an effort to go. Hope Iran is enjoyable ! No doubt you are adhering to all local customs. We haven't seen any news reports to the contrary ! Have fun ! Missing you lots ,love you lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Rach
Sorry not been in touch for a while but you know that life as a member of the 'elite' GG's is very hectic. I have just caught up on your recent blog's and am sooooooooo envious - you are having such a wonderful time - glad you got over the little 'homesick' wobble - my stomach turned when I read that part. Your pictures are brilliant. All well back at SLH in STockie - GG's were out in Wetherspoons last night and I think we were nearly thrown out - they just dont realise that Mother Riley really can laugh like that even when all she is drinking is 'diet coke' Not too much to report from here - weather is foul although we should not moan as we will be on a hosepipe ban soon- yes I can imagine you really appreciate a proper bed and anice hot shower/bath
Take care and keep the news rolling - we all think about you lots
Guess where I am ? Quite right the cream lounge again ! It was great to talk to you I hope you managed to get up in time to get the breakfast done !!!! Dan is on his first official date with Donna tonight they've gone out for a drink together without any kids in tow. They are getting on very well and are going down to the caravan at half term for a few days with kids so that should make or break them !Curtis came for tea tonight after his holiday in Gozo I am sure he's grown a couple of inches ! Have done some re-potting for nan including the shrub you gave her which has to be treated with care !!!!!!!!!!!!!Have enjoyed recent photos Did not print the glazed eyes one for nan ! Do you lot ever drink tea or coffee or is the bottled beer safer ?!!?? Miss you lots love you loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx