Alle Racquel!! Great to hear u r having a good time, Emile is having his 1st birthday party on Sunday so I am attempting to make a boat birthday cake mmmm wish me luck!! Morgan had a meeting with the Prince of Saudi Arabia yesterday and we r moving house next week, crazy crazy. Hope you r well, sending bigs hugs from us, take care and happy travels xx
Hello tiger,
Soooooo sorry I didn't make it to the party.... you'll be glad to hear I've finally got my drivers licence back... Whooohooo... I feel as though I got my life back at last ;0)
Just had a read of your blog... I'm chuffed to bits your having a ball... sounds amazing, wish I had the balls to do it myself!!!!
Oh well I'm back with my little braveheart from Glasgow.... she's a babe ;0) Anyhow sweetcheeks, I won't keep you. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. Miss you B xxxxxxxx
P.S. Love the truck sleepers! Brilliant idea! xxxx
Hey Rach,
Amazing photos...looks like you are having an ace time and have made some awesom friends. I'm so glad. But one thing...surely you should slow down, i mean i know my geography isn't great, but surely 10 countries in what...2 weeks...mate you've got a year to kill! hehehe!
You would have laughed. I was in Bristol last weekend when i was texting my friend myles asking if he was in Bristol and did he fancy a drink, but when i pressed to send it i realised that i had sent it to Marcus...and i got a reply! (don't even get one when he's in this country) and in reply to my question...'are you in bristol?' he said ' nearly, i'm in india!' Made me chuckle!
Actually, it's not that funny reading it...sorry!
Anyway, just wanted to say hi, and that as always, nothing changes...still hotish here, and i'm off to chequers for an after evening drink.
Will be in touch soon.
Keep it up with the photos.
Much love TJ
(and Ben sends his love too!) x
Tom & Lisa
hi rach
hope you are well...
we did laugh at dave's messgae below lol...
will you be back for mando's on thursday, not sure if I should go on my own ...
pictures of the bone church have given us an idea for halloween, damn it we've given our idea away now!
cool seeing your trip progress especially the pictures...
cheers for now,
Tom & Lisa xxx
ps. keep harry the hernia happy
Dan B
I passed my exam! My dice were luckier than most, so i can relax a little more now. Counting down the days to Gran Canaria (why isn't it on your itinery?), for lots of mischief.
We all had a nice time at Nads surprise birthday party and i've said my bye's as she goes on hols to Lanzaroti tomorrow...and left me Liz's cat Jess, who is exporing my place as I type and destroying the ornaments.
It's still nice and warm here.... take care
Dan xxx
Frome is over run with crime since you left! There are gangs roaming outside my window and the sky is dark from the smoke over Stonebridge! Right now, a couple of young scally's are breaking into my car outside, but I'm too scared to interrupt them...actually making them some tea which they asked for ever so politely while they "work". It's what, 354 odd days until you get back? Well I will just have to put up with a city of sin until the future of law enforcement gets back. Hope all good with you, look forwards to seeing the photos.
Hi Rach,
I am up to my eyes in course work and job applications and your blog is providing me with a delightful distraction.
Had a few days in London catching up with family and just finidng it oh so hard to get back into. Saw mine and Nik sisters and its the first time since we got engaged so been on wedding over drive. Trying to not browse sites for wedding dressing and instead look for journal articles on the planning and assessment cycle. BORING!
Well anyway I really had better get on with something productive at 2 assignments to do and less than a week to do them in. I am back at school teaching next week.
Lots of Love Tab x
Hi Rach,
Just typed a massive message for you then lost it by messing - oops! Ok I'll try and remember and type it all again.
So I am at work, inside, not in the sunshine becoming slightly less reflective but it's not so bad. I have just spent a happy 10 minutes flicking through your photo's and giggling at your blog. I think you have been in more countries in the last 2 weeks than I have in my whole lifetime. I'm incredibly jealous so might just buy a suitcase and meet you somewhere random :) It all looks so amazing. I'm glad the truck people are cool.
Despite the Manchester sunshine and managing to get a plasterer in to fix my mess I have hardly been at home. We spent last weekend in Wales with Denise and Kieran. They made us view a house with them (yawn yawn) so I missed the National. Don't think it mattered as I had two donkeys in the sweepstake. The most fun we had in the caravan was trying to get some bedroom action in the next room without waking them up. Very creative.
I got your Easter card. I've had it up all week. Paul complained that your handwriting was a typical coppers :) Don't worry, you can arrest him for cheek to a police officer when you come back to the UK.
Off now before Wayne catches me avoiding doing telephone audits. Missing you loads x
well i can't believe that you went all the way to salzburg and didn't do the sound of music tour!!!
it was on the other day, so naturally i watched it and sang every word of it -- bet you're glad that you're on the trip now and not sat at home with me pretending that you're one of the vontrapp children aren't you??
well it must be going well if you've not made a visit to any of the local hospitals, but i would just mention a note of caution re the red wine -- you dont' want harry to become the most popular traveller on the truck now do you??
oh and by the way, i thought that you were on antibiotics??
the sun is shining here and dave even went out to buy deckchairs so i've settled in nicely in sunny swindon -- back to that bloody school at the end of the week so naturally dave will be on suicide watch.
as promised update on the grand national - our james bond gambler miss dooley won, so expect her to join you on the trip!!
well keep having fun - and keep me informed of all stories that are not suitable for the general public
ok laterz, and don't worry, you're nearly in iran so when you get back you can sell your story!!
Hi PC!!
Why are you looks so fab!!! you'll be ok soon mate and home before you know it so make the most of it! We're all the same in the sunny north (although Nads is almost 40 now!) We had a ball helping her celebrate over the must ask her what the hokey kokey is!! She thought we were gonna strip her naked...why would we do that to ourselves!!???
Take care matey xxxx love from us both
Hi Rach,
Can't believe you're on the 7th country already, you really are packing it in and it looks like you're having a fantastic time. The photos look great and your team look a great bunch to be travelling with, I'm sure you're all going to be amazed by this trip. Looking forward to seeing the next lot of photos and news, look after yourself and have fun, lots of love dad, kim and james xx