Monday 14Sept
Work wasn't bad today until about 330. I was still working on the Lit research and i'm finding it pretty interesting, when I can actually sort through all the crap thats on the internet that is. I've been spending a bit of time this arvo researching companies that are using a gps integrated with the ECU of a car to control it and I'm really enjoying it.
I was starving as I hadn't really eaten yet today so I went to lunch with the girls at 1130 after pretty much living on dirty sausages in Prague, I should have known what was going to be at the canteen, it wasn't bad though, everyone complained as they do, but it could have been a hell of a lot worse I ate mine and finished Ioanna's too. So every body was a winner.
Come about 330 it hit me hard, I was all of a sudden I was feeling absolutely exhausted and I started to feel sick too. I ended up leaving the office and going up to the canteen just to eat some food, I think I needed some sugar.
It didn't really help and I ended up feeling even sicker. I left work at about 1730 with my house on my back and went and jumped on the tram, all I wanted to do was sleep and I nearly fell asleep a couple of times on the tram. I was busting to go to the toilet when I got off and after the 500m walk to Mischa's I was desperate for him to open the door. I pressed the buzzer, I remembered the name having german something in it. There was no reply and I was busting. I pus my pack down and went and knelt in the front garden behind a hedge. That could have finished really badly, and quite embarrassingly, but I dodged a bullet there and was pretty happy about it.
A guy just walked into the house and past my “room” with his bike it's kinda blocking my exit path. I stood up and he goes hi how are u? His hands were full and I expected him to turn round and drop his stuff and come and introduce himself. He didn't just turned around went into his room and left me standing there.
I wasn't sure what I was going to do about getting into the house so I just messaged Mischa asking where he was, all of a sudden the door beside me opened and he was standing in the doorway with a suprise-slash-be-on-your-guard-or-i'll-get-u look on his face.
The place i'm staying at is an absolute crack up. It's an absoluute warren with way too much furniture. It makes my place in melbourne look empty. The room i'm in had a futon mattress in the corner a shelf a couch a chest of draws and a desk right in the middle, theres's also an old toilet sitting in the corner that they're usiing to place an amp and a set of speakers on just infromnt of a massive pot plant.. To get around the room there's a track about a foot wide around the desk.
The guy i'm staying with, Mischa is the campest guy i've ever met. Real nice guy, just a crack up. “I'm sorry the house is such a mess” he said “we had a party like I dunno how long ago and no one wants to clean up.” haha, it just looks like some of my mates places back in Brunswick. Mischa is a graphic designer and he explained to me that he's working on some poster and that tomorrow he has a heap of friends coming over to work on a web page they have to do for school, that'll be an interesting motley crew I bet.
Haha, I just realised my room has a record player in it too. It's not really a room I guess, it's more just a corner in the house. The kitchens pretty grosse, and I kinda feel sick just walking around the place. But in hindsight it'll be funny so i'll just deal with it.
After I got here and mischa showed me around I did what everyone days in a house that makes you want to dry wretch, I went and had a bath, it was suprisingly really clean and I layed in there for almost an hour with my ipod in, there was a heap of candles around it and had I had a lighter I would have even lit them.
I went over to Elizabethheim, where all the other trainees live, at about 8 to meet andrew and try to do my washing. I got there and he wasn't in my room I texted him and his reply was, i'm in the restaurant across the road. I walked outside, there wasn't a restaurant in sight, just a supermarket and some appartments.
I texted him back explaining he may want to improve his wonderful location indicator, he rang and told me to look left up the street at the guy waving at me, he was about 150m away, in this place no bigger then a small cafe.
We went back to Eheim and went to see if I could grab any washing powder from hristina, we knocked on the door and she opened it obviously after just waking, she was a crack up, I had to ask for the powder 3 times befor she kept trying to leave, “yes yes no worries” she'd say and then forget and then say “ok, I get changed and see u in 15 minute”. Even after saying she had washing powder 3 times it turned out she didn't and had run out. We went and checked the washing room, i'd just do washing with out the powder. All the machines were full, it turns out you have to “book” the washing room at the reception during the day!!
We cut our losses and grabbed some beers and went looking for a vacant common room, they all had people in them so we ended up staying in some other room with a stage that we weren't really supposed to be in, but it wasn't locked so therefor fair game.
We sat there for a while until we ended up shifting to another common room that had become free as the girls could smoke up there. We sat around talking for a while and were eventually joined by all 3 girls and a few of the IAESTE crew. We sat there and just chatted. Eventually Andrew and I were in tears trying to explain to theresa the whole Russel crow south park episode. She had no idea what we were talking about and it just got funnier and funnier.
At about 1 people started to become scarce and we went down to the local bar called 3 monkeys, which was opened up by an Australian. The last time we were there they had american football on TV and the Patriots were playing last night, they are the team andrew supports. We got to the front door and asked if they were playing it. The guy was being a real jerk about it, and we weren't even being obnoxious, first he told us that the manager wasn't there, then we asked who makes the decisions, then he said they all do, we asked if he could just get the remote and changed the channel to which he replied that it was locked away and nobody had the key!! what a croc.
We decided to quit that blace and go for a beer directly over the road. Feeling pretty smug we strutted across the road only to be greeted by a locked door, it was closed. We cut our losses and headed back to Eheim. I had to grab my still dirty washing and some money from andrew. The reception is only open until 2 and he still needed to pay his rent and he'd slept in, He gave me most of the money as he'd run out, plus his email so they could email him about how to pay for the rest.
I ended up catching a cab home, the walk would have only taken 40-50 minutes but I was absolutely exhausted and just wanted to get to bed.
Day 45
Tuesday 15Sept
I'm sitting in Jakonminiplatz in a subway eating dinner. 8 Euros for a footlong meal. About 15 AUD. I'm sitting here in a pair of jeans, sox, no jox and a dirty shirt. All my other clothes which are all dirty are in a bag beside me and I cant find anywhere to wash them, the only place I new the machine which gives you the card(kinda like a token card) isn't working. Oh well, i've still got my passport and my health.
Today went no worries, I think I sorta got a job offer, dunno. I got up at 8, I needed the sleep so I slept in, I still made it to work on time, even after stopping at the supermarket to load the work fridge with fruit for me to eat.
I'm back at home now sitting next a bloke who resembles jabba the Hut. He stood up befor, he's a big boy, He's playing some medievel strategy game laying on his side on the couch with the table and his computer pulled right up against it. I asked if he'd had a busy day, nah not really was his reply, i'm not surprised
In the room beside me Mischa is working on some web-design thing for school with some of his friends, everynow and then a mechanical voice comes from inside screaming some variant of some ones name combined with of some sort of profanity, followed by a burst of laughter, I think they may be high, i'm unsure.
Today wasn't too bad, I spent the morniing half working on the presentation half writing in my diary. Martin and I also took my bike into the work shop, i'd lost the damn key so I carried it into the workshop to cut the lock and the assortment of old lock on it, off.
I aslo met my Overall boss, Martin's Boss' boss. I think his names raymond, I probably should check that. A funny guy he says, so are you likeing the work, I returned my well versed over inthusiastic acknowledgement slash lie. His next question was “And are u liking the girls here in Graz” turns out when he was younger he was the lead singer in a rock band, so had all the fun as a kid.
I also went in and payed Andrews rent. I rode over and checked his room to see if he was able to leave some money for me, the place was a mess but the table was littered with heaps of small coins I decided i'd grab all the ones bigger then a 10cent, I started picking them up except they were all covered in something sticky so I left them and walked downstairs.
The reception bloke wasn't really impressed that I could only pay for some of Andrews rent and tried to make me pay the remaining 70 Euros. Not likely, and as he repeatedly explained why I was short 70 Eu I tried to explain over and over that I know but to take andrew's email and explain to him how to pay the rest. This went on and on and eventually he ended up just saying ok and writing me out a receit for what i'd payed, i'm not sure if he's even going to email Andrew, I kind of got the impression that he'd just cut his losses.
I went back to work and we went for lunch early with the girls, it was awesome a rice meat and some sort of capsicum sauce. I finished mine and then ended up finishing Ioanna's and Hristina's.
I'm heading over to the girls place to cook dinner, I wasn't real keen on cooking at the place where I live and I wanted to do up a big spag bol to put portions in the freezer at work so I can take them for individual dinners ratheer then paying 15 AUD for a damn sandwich.
Last night was so much fun. I'm sitting at work now, I got home 5 hours ago and thought that I could set my alarm for 9 and teleport to work and be here in time for a 9oclock start. Aparently the teleportator I packed doesn't work very well. Not only did it not work but when I tried to use it it made my bike tyre go flat and I had to catch a bus/tram to work.
I cut myself short last night as when I got on the tram I heard someone say “oh! Hello” I looked to my right and it was Christine, one of my hosts from 2 weeks ago. That was good, 'bumping into someone I know' on the other side of the planet on a tram was kinda cool.
So after lunch on Tuesday Martin and I worked on the presentation I was prepping for him, he had to present the idea to his boss's boss and we went up at about 130. His boss's boss, reymond (I think) was like “so today we do our meeting in English ja?” I insisted I didn't care but it seems professionals over here like to practice there english and most of the meeting was in english, except when I got a bit technical they'de break out into german.
At the conclusion they were talking in german for a while and I was trying to follow it. I could tell by there body language what was going on it was something like this.
Martin - “no but the problem is blah blah blah blah”
Raymond - “ok but maybe we can blah blah blah blah”
Martin - “yeah yeah”
Christian(martin's brother, a GPS wiz) - “exactly so we can blah blah blah blah”
Raymond - “haha, I know I know blah blah blah blah”
Every one(except me) – Joint laughter
Raymond – Picking up a mouse “so we can blah blah blah blah”
Every one – more laughter.
Martin – “ja ja I understand.” he was speaking for himself
Etc etc
The were talking about how they could go arounnd the funding issues, charging the client for mouse batteries and cords etc. Funny guys.
During the start of the meeting raymod was talking about who exactly would do the work. Martins full so he just shrugged his shoulders. I think he was only prepping the proposal because his brother's firm would be the partner in the project. Raymond asked about “this persom and that person” to no avail. He then turned to me and said “what about you? Do you have to write a diploma thesis?” he really put me on the spot, it was really offhanded and just a thought rather then a full proposition but he was serious. That would be so cool.
The rest of the arvo was pretty quiet and I just wrote emails etc. and then went home at about 5.
At home I was feeling disgusting slash mildly depressed, I hadn't done much exercise, the house I was in is a dump, I had no clean clothes and I was really tired. So I went for a run. I felt crap and made myself run for just over an hour, first around the schlossburg(the castle hill in the middle town) then I scoped out a laundromat then along the river Mur. For a short time I felt really good after that despite getting lost on the way home!!
After that I had a shower and grabbed all my dirty cloths and set off for the laundromat. After getting lost a few times and regretting not finding a mapi finally found the laundromat. I spent a good 10 minutes trying to work out how to use the machines, but I finally came to the conclusion because of the massive sign on the token machine and the fact that it was eating all my money that it was broken, I kinda sulked for a bit, sitting in my dirty shirt and decided to just head down to Jakominiplatz (the main trainsport hub) for some food.
As I took off on my bike and my two bags my feet slipped off the crappy pedals, they hit the ground hard and the seat jammed into my back. This pushed me over the edge, I had my headphones on yet still screamed . The few people that were there looked at me as I threw my bike against the wall. I would have thrown the whole thing had my computer not been in a bag on the back rail.
I sat down and just took a chill pill for 5 mins, I was starving and tired. Eventually I manned up and jumped on my bike and headed into Jakominiplatz, where I just chilled in subway for about an hour eating and writing in my diary. Once I finished that I headed home and crashed.
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