Tuesday 8Sept
I had so much fun yesterday, i'm so tired now, cant wait to have a coffee at work. And a nanna nap after work. Yesterday at work was fairly uneventfful, i'm so tired now!! we got an extra partner for the project I was editing, so I had to go through that, I knew there wasn't too much to go through for the whole day, so I was taking muy time sorting out accomodation etc.
I just changed trams, there's this baby looking at me on this one, i'm pretty sure it can tell how hung over I am maybe it's casting a spell on me, man that piece of bread it has looks good.... hang on it has a piercing... damn austrians
yeah so I was looking through accommodation yesterday and martin came and sat beside me, “so, hows the report going?” he said. This was pretty much his version of yelling at me to do the work I was supposed to be doing. So I got to it and finished the report.
After work I jumped on the tram to go aand meen my new hosts. For some reason I thought all the trams go through hauptbahnhof, the main train station. I dont know why I thought this and when I went to get on the number 4 at hautbahnhof there was no such thing.
I just got to work, a bit over an hour late, 70 mins after I woke up and just over 4 hours since I got home from the club I was at last night, lucky my boss isn't around (although it shouldn't matter, he was there with us). Maybe i'll be able to pretend I got here an hour ago. Maybe.
Yeah so yesterday after I got off at the wrong stop I had to go back a few and get on the right tram. I ended up getting to Andritz maut station, where I was meeting my new hosts a little late, they're great, Martinez and Daniela. After I dropped my bags, martinez and I went to the supermarket to grab some beers and some food, martinez refused to let me pay for any of the beer, this couch surfing gig is awesome.
After we got home from that we sat out on the balcony of there 4thfloor appartment (which has no lift!!) and waited for the pizza that daniella had made to cook. Martinez had travelled around Australia for 3 months a couple of years ago so we talked a lot about the wildlife back home.
After pizza, and a few beers, I grabbed a shower and started to get ready for the night. Andrew, the scottish bloke, won karaoke last week and got a free party out of it, more like a heap of free drinks and vodka, so I set off into town at about 830, martin had just finished working and was meeting us there.
I got to the centre no worries and had to catch another bus to where we were meeting. The bus I wanted wasn't going to be there for 9 mins, so I just caught the next bus in the general direction and walked the last bit. Just as I was getting to the meeting location the bus I could have waited for drove past, so it would have been slightly quicker and easier had I been a little patient!!
We went into the student dorms and at first were just standing in the lobby, that was crap so I bullied them into going upto a common room, we got up there and there were some people finishing their dinner. We were being pretty loud and the soon left.
I'm so glad I didn't let IAESTE sort out my accomodation. That place was depressing and boring, just long corrodores with lino, Andrew didn't even know the names of the people who were in there. This couch surfing is awesome, last night at the club I also met 2 of the guys from the first house I was at, I felt kinda like a local, out with all these IAESTE people but I was chatting to the Grazians, it was good.
At the dorm was a crack up, The macedonian girls couldn't believe how much andrew and I were swearing in our conversation. I guess it's just a bloke thing, that gets exacerbated when another guy is that way inclined. He whinged about the queen for abit and I countered it saying national pride is nothing with out tradition, he couldn't argue he was wearing a kilt. The way he said dingo was a crack up, Dango he said, haha and his impression of an Aussie accent was even funnier.
The guys beside me are talking about me, they forget that even though they say “Australian” with a slight accent I can still work out what they're talking about.
From the dorm we went to the city park bar, where I'd had drinks with martin and his mates last wednesday, and had a few beers..
I got a taxi home, I couldn't be bothered walking and it was only 8 Euros anyway, I got home at 550 and went to bed, slept like a rock, for a whole 2 HOURS!!
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