Day 39
Wednesday 9 Sept
I woke up yesterday at 850, i'd set my alarm for 830 but for some reason it hadn't gone off. Feeling very sorry for myself I got in the shower changed and went and jumped in a tram, the ride to work was fine except for the evil baby that kept staring-putting a hex on me. The whole morning went very slowly.
I didn't see Martin all morning, which was good,
I went and saw the girls at about 1130 at lunch, much to there amusement, I just sat there trying to laugh about the night before while they just laughed at me. There food looked so good too, I couldn't wait for lunch.
After work I rode over to Johannas 1's house on the crappy bike that I'd 'found' the week before. He had a bike I could have yet the tyre was flat so I was going to pull a tyre out of the dud bike and throw the rest of it in the river. The ride was hard. That bike was crap! Every now and then the derailer would seize and I'd have to back pedal for a bit so that I could pedal forward again.
I finally got to Johannas 1's and discovered that the wheels were of different size. It didn't matter though, he'd pumped the tyre up and it wasn't deflating so hopefully it stays inflated for me. Riding this bake, although the frame is about a foot too short for me and its stuck in one gear, was a dream. Hard for the first two or three pedals but really fun. I had to get a lock for it so I rode around looking for a Bike shop that Johannas had told me about, he said if I pay more then 10 Euros for a lock then it will be worth more then the bike. I ended up just parking my new bike out side and running in to get a lock. I really didn't want to leave my bike, but figured it would be pretty funny if I walked out of the store with a brand new (2 Euro) bike lock only to find that my bike had been stolen.
I rode home had a shower and crashed. The plan was to get up at 730 and we were going to watch the football somewhere, Austria was playing Romania. I set my alarm and woke up at 750, i'd set my alarm for the AM. I went back to sleep and got up so that Martinez and I could go and watch the second half at Danny's work.
Danny's bar was pretty cool, a little local place. We sat around the bar watching the football with a bunch of locals and danny's boss, he was a pretty funny guy, cliché Austrian eccentricness and a crack up of a laugh, he kinda sounded like he was having his throat cut.
We eventually got every one out of the bar by 1130, danny was supposed to close at 11 but people were piss farting around. From that bar we went down to Martinez's work, this place was really cool too. We had a beer and a bagette, the baggette was awesome, I didn't realise how hungary I was. As with at Danny's bar the barmen were like “ oh a foreigner, try this drink, now try this drink” I didn't drink heaps last night but I tried at least 5 or 6 different beers, wines, spirits and schnapps. I tried one drink that was an artichoke liquer. It smelt and tasted great, except the after taste left me wanting to tear my toungue out of my throat.
We got home at about 130, I was wrecked, lucky for me my boss and his boss and most people in my office are away at a conference today so the plan was to sleep in a bit.
Day 40
Thursday 10 Sept
I slept in this morning. It was good, my alarm went off at 10 and I jumped straight out of bed and into some push ups, something I should probably do more of. I threw on my running gear and stepped out the
door. I was feeling great for the 1st ten minutes however by 15 minutes I needed to goto the toilet so badly that I ended up taking a tram home.
I got to work a little late, that was ok though, I didn't see anyone in the office all day!! I did a bit of admin in the morning, up until 1130 when I went to lunch with the girls from upstairs. We were talking about possibly hiring a car next weekend to go to salzburg and munich for october fest. So after lunch I rode around to the Austrian Version of Vic roads to see if I could get an international driving permit. I couldn't but it didn't matter. The lady there rang the police for me and it turns out that my Australian drivers licsence as a tourist is sufficient.
After that I decided I better do some work. Martin had recommended I take the next couple days off and use some of the 3 days off I get allocated. I wasn't really keen on this as I wanted to use the days to go travel somewhere. Martin took this into consideration and gave me some literiture research that I could do. Not wanting to stuff him round I want to get something tangible down for them. I spent the afternoon browsing the internet looking at different sights regarding GPS or Sat nav assisted Fuel efficiency. It was really interesting, the only problem is the web is full of so much crap. And sifting through it all and finding contradictions all over the place was mildly annoying.
At 530 I went to leave. I looked out the window and my bike was getting rained on. I figured I couldn't ride to work in the morning because i'd have my pack anyway so I decided to graba tram instead. I got off half way and walked through the main centre of town, its awesome just strolling through the place. I got on the next train home and got off about a k short to goto the supermarket to replace some of the beers i'd drunk.
Tonight i've got both the IAESTE regular table, Which is at a balkan grill tonight, and the AAC stamtish. I'm going to go to the latter first, hopefully thats good but I can still spear away to the regular table by 10, i'll see how I go.
1100 (11sept)
I had a couple of beers at home and was feeling really good, I got dressed, threw on my trench coat and set off into the city. I was meeting Andrew at Hauptplatz, the main square, but I got there early so I went and grabbed a as-much-as-5-Euros-will-get-me-WURST, it was awesome but I think it was also called a worst-thing-in-th-the-world-for-U-Wurst too. Andrew and I set off for the AAC stamtisch. It was only a 5 minute walk and after getting lost in the warren that the bar is attached to we finally found the place we were after. We went in and the barman showed us through to the back room where the stamtisch was happening. It was so funny, It was about half Britt/US expats and half people who wanted to practise they're english. I enjoyed it, it was good to relax abit, talking to non english speakers is kinda hard, it's not really relaxing at all.
There was this one guy there who epitomised everything I saw in an Englishman, He was skinny had big boggle eyes and just looked like he'd been picked on his whole life, nice guy, I just couldn't really look at him without wanting to laugh.
We left there at about 930, it was Andrew's last night in Graz and we were pretty keen to go out. We went to the balkan grill first for the IAESTE regular table, there we had a couple of beers, a double shot of Raqeuah a balkan alcohol, which was horrid, I just shot it down, Andrew was quite surprised at my willingness to get iit down, and he sat on his for at least half an hour. We ate some burak too, this stuff was just like a pasty, apparently not much like real burak or so the girls told us. Again this was all accounted for By IAESTE which was fantastic. From there we set off to go back to the Dorm, andrew wanted to get into his kilt.
Martin met us at the Dorm too which was good, he'd been at a social function with the conference drinking beers with japenese guys all night and was pretty keen to party. We walked down to Haus Kuat, I think its called and made our selves settled in there
After I got on the tram I was walking up the isle, in my trench-coat and my “been out all night glazed look, and I heard a really loud clutter I looked back and a small browning sized water pistol had fallen out of my back pocket and landed on the ground. All the early morning off to work commuters just stared at me I picked up the gat and sat down and promptly fell asleep.
Day 41
Friday 11Sept
I think today is officially the funniest day ever in man kind, I dont konw when I should start todays entries and finish yesterdays, maybe I'll start today when I woke up on the right tram, number 5, on the wrong side of the city at 0800.
This morning after I woke up from doing a full lap or 10 of the tram line I jumped on the following tram. I was walking along the tram and I heard a clutter. I looked down and a browning sized water pistol had fallen from my trench coat. God knows where that came from. I sat down and almost immediately an undercover bad ass superhero ticket inspector came right up to me. I showed him my ticket with much pride and he left. I was paranoid about falling asleep again so I sat dead upright. The city looked really nice in the morning, every one going to work etc.
Life's good, i'm on the train heading to Vienna and then onto prague with two gorgeous Macedonians and a greek. I'm so tired though, but making myself write in my diary before going to sleep. Which isn't happening.
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