Kya Travels
After our sleep in today Darren and I met Nuno out the front so we could go get some lunch. The Germans had some leftovers they wanted to eat so they stayed behind. We walked up the street to a little cafe called Zázá's where we met up with Mafalda (Nunos girlfriend) and sat down and ordered some food. This was a good little sandwich shop with nice fresh ingredients, and I got an awesome veggie roll with grilled veggies and salad, and Darren got a mega chicken thing which kind of looked like a club sandwich but it was huge. So we had our sandwiches and drinks then headed back to the hostel and met up with Pancho and Flo then all walked together up to the bus stop. We had a long wait there, as it was a public holiday so there weren't as many busses running. We had a joke with Pancho who was looking for beer, about the fact it wasn't 4pm yet (in Germany you 'can't drink' before 4, like our before midday rule!) So after waiting about an hour for the 104, we eventually just jumped on one that would take us close but not exactly where we were heading. Then of course as we were driving off, we saw the 104 pull up! Dammit! We had a fun 30 minutes or so on the bus, aside from my travel sickness, then got off and had a stroll along the beachfront. It was a beautifully sunny day, and the water looked soooo good! And it smelled like home. This is our first real beach we've been to since Ireland, so it was nice to smell the sea and the sand again! I didn't realize I'd missed it! The beach was really cool, below the promenade we were walking along was all the sand, then beyond that were all the rocks, and there were breaks in the rock so you could swim in the sea. So it was kind of the reverse of what I'm used to! A bit further up there were some cafes and people doing aerobics on the beach so that you could look down on them. Then further up again there were pools that had been built into the rock on top of the beach which looked amazing. As we continued to walk along the beach we eventually came up to a massive apartment complex, where Nuno's friend Maria that we had met the night before met us out the front and let us in. She led us through the massive yard, past tennis courts and massive rock and water features and we came up to where she had been sitting with her friends, some of whom we had met the night before. We said hi, then pretty much headed straight down to what we had come for... The pool!!! We jumped in, it was amazing. It's been a while since we last went swimming, it was so nice and refreshing, especially after the crazy hot weather we'd been having here! We stayed in for ages, having a joke and a laugh with each other, and eventually, as we were starting to think about getting out, we watched a fog roll in over us. In literally about 10 minutes it went from being totally sunny and beautiful to being completely foggy! And you could see the fog rolling in over the palm trees, it was like something out of a horror movie!! So we got out, and didn't get to soak in the sun as I'd been hoping to do, but instead headed inside to check out the inside pool. Not long after we went in, we were kicked out, because only residents were allowed inside! So we headed back out to go to where Maria and that were still sitting, but stopped in the foyer. There was a vending machine there, and between the change that Pancho and I had, we emptied all the beers from the machine and took them back to the group. We all had some beers together with Maria and her brother, and his girlfriend, and sat there shivering a bit because of the fog and the cold and the fact we were still wet. After a while it was time to go, and we said goodbye to Maria, and her brother gave us a lift to the metro stop. We said goodbye to him as well then and got ourselves a train ticket then chilled out and waited for the train, whilst watching Nuno and Mafalda act out a Titanic scene. Hilarious. We got on the train, and on the way back into the city we got to watch Darren do a little dance while another group on the train were singing, while he was wearing a towel as a poncho and a hat. We're actually that funny... We got into the city and went past our hostel to quickly put on some dry clothes, then went up to a restaurant called Tropical Burguer, where we sat down for some food. We were all pretty starving when we got there after a big day of swimming, so we were quite happy when the chips came out, and we all dug into them while having a beer and waiting for our meals. When they came out, the meals were mega, so we were all quite full by the end of it. We had a good chat and half-watched some weird movies on the tv there, and by the end we were all stuffed. Mafalda went home straight after dinner, and the rest of us sat there for a while trying to get the motivation up to walk back down to the hostel!! Eventually we paid our bill and headed back home, were we said goodbye to Nuno just in case we didn't see him again, then went up to the common room where we fell into the couches and put a movie on. Not long after, Catia (the awesome receptionist) came up and told us we had to turn it off because someone had complained about the noise (which was hardly anything!) so Darren and I just went down to bed, and the German boys stayed up and had a cigarette with the other German guys from our room. I should have stayed and hung out though cos I just couldn't get to sleep!! I actually stayed up thinking about tattoo ideas... Maybe I'll get one on this trip some time........
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