Kya Travels
I got up today at about 1030 and went up to the buffet to get some breakfast. I brought Darren back a bit of food and water and tea, and got pretty much yelled at by another passenger for filling up the water bottle. I got back to the room and we watched some TV for a bit, and then went down to the restaurant for lunch. After lunch, Darren went back to bed for a bit, and Eddy came up to our room for some photo swapping. We went up to the deck and looked at the menu for La Luna then went down to the cabin again to show Darren, then Eddy went to get her bathers on, and I went up to the café to wait for her. She came back up with Leigh and we got a coffee and an ice cream. Steph and Nava came by while we were there, and we had a bit of a chat, then they went down to their cabin, and we went up to the top deck and sunbathed and watched the volleyball competition. After staying up there for a while it got a bit cloudy and cold, so I went back down to the cabin. My eczema had flared up a bit from the salt spray from the ocean while we were up there, so I washed my face and put cream on, then chilled for a while with Darren. At about 6pm, I started getting ready, because it was another cocktail night. I took out the braids in my hair so it was really curly, which looked cool, and put on a dress and makeup. We watched a bit of the "most controversial film clips" on MTV then headed down to La Luna to meet Eddy. When we got there, Gina was there too to have dinner with us. At the second course, Emma came in and joined us for dinner. It took us two and a bit hours to get through our eight course dinner tonight, and it was such an amazing meal! So much better than the last menu that we'd tried! After dinner Eddy went to get changed because she wasn’t dressed up, even though she looked amazing. We went down to Connexions bar to meet the others, where they were doing a game called Liar’s club, where the entertainment crew said a word, then each said a description of the word and you had to figure out who was lying. That was a bit boring, but okay. Then we went over to the Marquee where there was supposed to be a circus show, but because one of the main performers was still sick, they had a bit of a variety show instead. They had a few dances, including one where they mixed all these Australian songs together into one song, which was pretty clever. Then Peter Byrne, the Neil diamond guy came on for a bit, which wasn’t as good as the little bit we caught of him last time. He did do one cool thing though, which was to get everyone in the audience to take pictures at the same time, which looked pretty cool. Then the dancers and other entertainment people, including Scotty and Noortje, did a really strange dance type thing, where they were singing about what they’d be if they weren’t on the ship. It was pretty amusing. When the show finished, we went back over to Connexions for pop stars final heat, which Darren got bullied into entering by Brooke. He sang Eagle Rock, and went really well. At the end they lined them up, and we had to cheer for our favourite, and Darren got through to the final round, which will be in the Marquee tomorrow night! Then we went back over to the Marquee to see the sit down comedy club performance, which we didn’t really think too much of. He had some funny things, but it wasn’t very intelligent humour, more dirty humour and cheap jokes. After that was finished we went back to Connexions for a drink, then the others decided they wanted to go to the Attic, so Darren and I came back to the cabin and went to bed.
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