I forgot to say ...Vye the change in your appearance, I wondered if maybe you had a nip pierced ha ha ha! That would have been adventurous! Lovelove girlies xxx
I love the way we have to do sums to write on here, it's like school!
David Sims
Cool glad ur liking it.i new it was da attention kt because it takes one to know one haha.my birthday next thursday.21 again lol, no 23 but i'm still young.enjoy fiji n is it both sides of U.S.A. your doing?can't remember what you told me.6 weeks is that it.well it will be good to see you again.hope you enjoyed kiwi land.keep in touch kt.davidxx
Hey Sims! yeah good thank you, apart from having rain in the Bay of Islands- doesnt quite have that ring to it does it?! Can't complain though I suppose! Yeah the Nevis Arc was pretty scary- up there with the sky dive... you got me- it was all about the attention haha! Ah hope you had a good night, looking forward to a drink with you guys when I get home! Cant believe its only 6 weeks! take care xxx
David Sims
Hi Katie, u ok??? Work is still fine.Ichecked out that Nevis Arc expecting in to be a rollercoaster and i find out its a swingy thing over a valley.Then you go and double your money and jump out of a plane. Now if memory serves me right you said to me all those times i was in hospital, i was just craving the attention, well i think someone called ms vye was wanting to take the applause for your achievements.i can't compete with you, your to good haha.went out with joe last night for drink.he dragged me out to watch man utd and i dispise them.hope your good.keep in touch lovely.davidxx
Jem & Kt
Lozzy - Ahh dont worry honey its always good to hear from you whenever you have the time! hehe. Got roughly ten days left in NZ then off to fiji for fingers crossed some much needed sunshine!! Shopping in NY....hmm not so sure the funds are slipping away fast here! doh! Hope you all had a wicked night in Colchester - miss you all soooo much and cant to see you in roughly 6 weeks! ahh!!! Big huhs and kisses xxxxxx
Jen Jen - Ahh I know hun we are not going to want to come home we are having such a fab time but dont worry we will! hehe. As for whats next...??????!!!!!!! No bugging clue! Hope all is well with your teaching! Love and miss you lots xxx
Daddy G - God still cant believe the Olly thing is crazy!! Oh god mum is such a loser!! Bet she is loving face book stalking soo much! She is soo bloody nosy! Sort her out! hehe. Yea sky sky dives were awesome want to go again!! Hope all is well at home and the new cooker is working a treat! - love and miss you millions xxx
hi girls ,love the skydive pics. nz looks great . had a good chat with olly,s mum and dad over a cuppa ,what a small world!!
jem, i sorry to say that ross gave mum his password,so she is on facebook roughly 3hrs an evening! looking at yours ,your friends ross,s then his friends and every person she can access,then checks every day your friends ross,s then his friends and every person she can access, so its too late! . love you both ,take care xxxxx
Jenna B
Hey you guys!
Oh my gosh, I am SO jealous I have to avoid reading your blog it just makes me want to go!! So glad you are enjoying yourselves so much, you both look absolutely gorgeous! Loving the blondeness! Really looking forward to seeing you when yur back...what next?! Ah! Lots of love xxxxx
Lozzie Poo
Hey lovely! So Sorry its been a while since wrote on here! WOW just looked at some of ur photo all i can say is amazing amazing! Im a bit worried ur not going to want to come home :-( lol! Miss u both so much! Ive been on Play Rangers this week bit of a week due to getting our van stuck in the mud at the parks lol one time it took 45 min to get out lol! All fun times though! Going to alica on sat as just seen Kez told ya Buzzzz Bee's lol our outfits are a treat lol! wish u could both be there, i will be thinking of u hhehe! NZ looks gorgeous girls! Where are u off 2 next? Have u got enough money to do shopping in New York lol? I must say ur doing very well with having different and gorgeous clothes in all ur pictures? How have u done it lol?
Take Care
God Bless
Love you lozzie x x x x
Lozzie Poo
Hey lovely! So Sorry its been a while since wrote on here! WOW just looked at some of ur photo all i can say is amazing amazing! Im a bit worried ur not going to want to come home :-( lol! Miss u both so much! Ive been on Play Rangers this week bit of a week due to getting our van stuck in the mud at the parks lol one time it took 45 min to get out lol! All fun times though! Going to alica on sat as just seen Kez told ya Buzzzz Bee's lol our outfits are a treat lol! wish u could both be there, i will be thinking of u hhehe! NZ looks gorgeous girls! Where are u off 2 next? Have u got enough money to do shopping in New York lol? I must say ur doing very well with having different and gorgeous clothes in all ur pictures? How have u done it lol?
Take Care
God Bless
Love you lozzie x x x x
Hey everyone...
Gorgeous Keely - ahh it does seem like forever since I saw you but yea back 8 April so we can all have a big catch up or lets fac it a boozy night at our house! hehe. Glad to hear your studying hard on ASOS! haha. In New Zealand at the mo just finished touring the south island which was AMAZING! now in the north island and all set for some more adventures!! Cant wait to have a go on the wii fit although with almost 4 months with no proper exercise and lots of alcohol I dont think i want to know my weight or fitness age!!! Hope everything is ok with you though honey always LOVE hearing from you!! Big kisses for you and Lou Lou xxxxx p.s bet your livid your mums on facebook hehe she can check up on you!
Auntie dawn -haha I love that your on facebook! But I would be livid if my mum joined so no getting nay ideas mother theresa!! Yea New Zealand is awesome! a beautiful country with so much to do and made so many great friends! Could stay here forever! Bloody hell uncle bill was on top form wasnt he getting you 2 bouquets!! well done him! you are a lucky lady hehe. Well hope all is well in baldock missing you all heaps!! Lots of love xxxxxx
Mummy T - cant believe all the sad news is terrible!! Yea Stan text me about his sis - what a gorgeous name too! Go Quinny!!!!!! So glad he is putting them all to shame! haha! Yes we are very upset about the lack of weeks left so no need to keep reminding us! Dont worry we are enjoying every minute!! Look forward to speaking soon...love you all millions!!
Matty and Kate - haha oh yea the bungy pics....lost the disc sorry! hehe! Glad your both ok, i hear your off to our house Friday for a catch up so try not to miss my presence too much! it will be tough i know!! God I LOVE New Zealand! Thats so funny about the vests haha they did smell ten years old though! Will be sky diving in the next day or two...eek!!! so pics to come soon!!! Miss you both lots, big hugs and kisses xxxxxx
Big Love to everyone!!! Miss everyone sooooo much!!
Simsey- hey dude- just replied to you on facebook but will say hello again!! sorry to hear about your Uncle. Yeah bush fires were terrible, couldn't believe it- got out of Mebourne just in time. Ah well imagine the catch up when I return woop woop!! x
Mum- thanks for dropping the 7 weeks in there... that is not allowed okay!!!! :o( NZ is going so quickly but as you can tell we are having the time of our lives! Going to miss it that's for sure. Nevis Arc was out of this world- so glad I did it though, Id do it again in a shot! DOnt worry mummy Vye and mummy Gally we wont mention when our dive is! Love you and you can keep your lodger, Ill just move out shall i? x
SARAH!!!!!! I thought you'd dropped off the face of the earth! Was so lovely to hear from you! ah your so sweet, I miss you girlies so much :o( Cant wait to catch up over a bottle of rose!! Oh my God how good is NZ- I LOVE IT!!!! right now we do not want to go home, no- you know the feeling.
Can't believe it about work- did Tara want to go? who's the new boss? Ann Marie still there/ everyone else? Are youstill in the same place? So many questions!!
Cant believe the run... get you- i knew you'd pluck something like that outta the bag! The weekends sounds brilliant, I shall check the diary and consult my funds!!
no I have NZ no- 0212958912, only here for another 2 weeks but would LOVE to hear from you! oh my god just thinking of our catch up makes me smile! Missing you xxxxxxxxx
Sarah Bryant
Hi Katie Pie
Sorry I haven't written for ages - do think of you loads though - when we're bored at work we try to guess what you'd be doing - sad aren't we!
New Zealand was probably my favourite place ever so loved looking at your pics. It looks like you two are having an amazing time, you're not gonna want to come home are you!
Works all change - we have a new boss started as Tara has gone to PP, so we are all going out for her leaving do on Friday to Que Pasa - we finally managed to get her to come out so it should be good.
Eve Sally Linda and me have signed up for the Edinburgh marathon (don't worry just a relay not the whole thing) so we'd better start training as the gym hasn't been happening (apart from the odd hula hoop class - which are great you must come when you're back). The marathon is on the 31st May so if you fancy coming away for the weekend you are more than welcome. Mate and Damian and a few other are doing the whole marathon so it should be really good.
Anyway take care and keep having fun
Love SB x
Can we still contact you on the oz number or have you got a new kiwi number - as we need to call you for a catch up.