Daddy G - haha bad times in the Gallagher household then!! Dont worry you know your favourite will be back soon enough and you can always rely on me to stay up past 8pm!! Cant wait to see you really really soon!! And oh god cant believe the micky taking has started already!! I am so not bringing him to our house EVER! xxx
Mummy T - Woo HOO!!!!! So glad he won and it wasnt a traversty like last year and bloody suzanne shaw!! grr!! cant wait to watch the footage in just over a week!! woo hoo!! Love you trillions x
Lozzie - we cant wait to catch up gorgeous! x
Mummy V - Was great to talk to you too and cant believe it counting down the days, but cant wait for New York!! More like you better have your ears finely tuned because you are not going to be able to shut me up!! Hope you enjoy the latest blog and pics!! xx
Sims - Hey dude! Sorry about your cold but stop being a wimp! Hope all goes well at the hospital, let us know. Off to NYC in a few days where it will probably be freezing too! Take care x
Well people just ten days until we are back on British soil!!!! Can you believe it!!!!!
So So Excited to see you all and catch up with everyone! Am sure you will be bored with us and our stories in no time! hehe!
Lots of love as always...New York in 3 sleeps!! Woo hoo cant wait!! See you soon Ross, Stan and Seward! Really really excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David Sims
hi katie how ur doin well.enjoy ur time in california n rest of states.i got a cold at mo.actually more 2 da point its man cold.not deadly bt pain in the neck to shift.ever closer now 2 hosp appointment.i'll facebook u afta n tell u wots goin on like.its been raining again here.take care hun.x
Ekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk im getting so excited to see you both! Not long now! Love you x
Take Care x x x x
Hi hunnies, loved the card and the phone call on Mothers day, 2 weeks and 2 days, wow, where has that time gone? Ray won dancing on ice in great style getting sixes all the way.
Jade passed away on sunday, so very sad.
Enjoy your final 2 weeks, keep safe and have lots of fun.
Love you so very muchxxxxxxxx
Hi darlings, so good to hear from you yesterday, especially on Mummy's day!! Can't believe you're into the last few weeks of your amazing adventure but counting the days until we see you. You better make sure your voice is in good working order Katie Vye cos we will want to hear every minute detail starting from when you got on the plane at Heathrow ....!!!! Love you so much, keep safe xxxxxxxxxxxx
hi girls , jem its good your back soon, ross has taken up sitting on the sofa with mum sipping a baileys night cap !! at about 7.45 pm,then off to bed . at 25 he goes to bed earlier than he did at age 7. nice to see corry will feel at home when he visits , his dad is currently on the specsavers ad with his flock,ha ha . you and katy enjoy the us of a and stay safe . see you soon xx
Troy Beaumont
Hey Ladies
Thanks for coming on the glacier hike with me, I get google alert when the words "glacier and troy" are together. Nice pics and thanks for the comments very nice. Hows the rest of your travels going? Are you about to return back to reality? Any how travel safe and thanks again for cool day.
Kt And Jem
Girlies - cant wait for a big old catch up... oh the gossip! haha! Bring on the rose!!! Less than 3 weeks to go ladies! Woop Woop!
Margot - Sadly no time to hang loose in hawaii!! were in san fran at the moment which is pretty cool but rather on the chilly side - believe it or not were missing the melbourne heatwave! haha. Hope you are well x
Jen - Hey my lovely! Were all good if a little poor so looking forward to getting home to see everyone!! Really cant wait to catch up with you all especially my two favourite boyfriends...glad to hear he hasnt forgotten about me! haha and cant wait to meet Ramsay!! Hope all is well with you and look forward to seeing you in less than 3 weeks! yippee!!!! Lots of love xxxx
Sims - Hey hopefully you got my msg on facebook?! Hope your good though x
Less than 3 weeks to go people - miss you all lots and cant wait to see you!!
All our love as always
David Sims
Hi there katie, how are you? Did you enjoy yourself on the island(s)? Weather is really warm here, sum out blue sky and a slight breeze. I'm still enjoying work and all is good.Got hosp appointment in 2 weeks. I'm not liking that, but i suppose it could be worse. Are you nice and tanned? Had some probs with youths the other night sitting on our garden wall. There were 20 or so of them. I wanted to go kick their asses but the law says no. I'm planning my summer hols, prob go see my mate in guernsey. Hope your safe and well.David xx
Jenny Potter
Hey Guys
How are you both? Missing you lots as always and really looking forward to seeing you :)
Must arrange to get together when your back and unpacked - i bet your tanned!! i had better get on those sunbeds quick - i look like Casper!!!!!
Love and Hugs to you guys, love us (your boyfriend has been totally faithful to you whilst you have been away - he occassionally tries to hump Ramsay but the man has needs i guess!!) They both cant wait to meet you.
Love you xxx
Good Evening Girls!
So glad you had fun in NZ and hope u had even more fun in Fiji wowwww-hope u took lots of pictures :-)! Bet you topped up your tans there, oh and by the way when you come home us girls may be looking a bit orange lol we decided to get spray tans before you gorgeous sun kissed girls get bk lol we had a giggle about that!
I can't believe its like 5 weeks till I get to see you both :-) big smiles all round. So what is the plan? i think a big celebration?HEHE! Is it the 7th you get bk? Wot time?
Off to La next I see on facebook No serious gamboling now ladies!Lol!
Everything all good at Home-Saw Stan out on Sat I gave him talks of what he has to do when he sees both of you lets hope he remembers lol! Well as far as my little traveling adventure goes im off to manchester tomoro lol on a two day training for work woop lol!
Any way lovelys keep on having lots of fun be safe miss you lots
Love ya Lozzie
Molly x x x x
James x x x
Karen and Dennis x x x (a extra kiss for jem from my dennis lol)
abz and Paul x x x
lol x x
Hi Gals, been enjoying your blogs, can't wait for the next exciting episode. I guess you'll be off across the pacific to the US of A next week. Do you visit Hawaii? "Hang Loose" there if you do. Love to you both, Margot xxxx