Discounts off of food, tours, etc! No mttear where you are, bring your student ID- doesn’t mttear where it’s from, as long as it’s valid. I’m in Dublin at the moment, and I’ve probably saved at least 5-8 euros with student discounts!
Sarah Bryant
OMG! Can't believe it's over already but it sounds like you 2 have defiantely made the most of every minute. Can't wait to see you
Lots of love SB
PS wait til you see Alfie now - his Dad was defiantely an Alsation!!!
Kt And Jem
Signing off.
Thank you for all your messages we are stunned at how this blog has been kept alive for the whole 5 months and we owe it all to you!
Cannot wait to see you all....We are coming home!!!!!!
Well lovely girls, this is it, the final day of your big adventure! Can't quite believe that I will actually be seeing you in less than 24 hours - I'm so excited I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight! Enjoy your day and make sure you get to that airport on time! Have a safe journey (get lots of sleep on the plane cos you won't be allowed when you get home) All my love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dawn Brooks
hya jem,well not long now,we have all really missed you,and cant wait until you are back,it has gone so quick,mummy t is getting so exited,i thought she was going to wet herself HAHA,anyway have a great 2 nights,im sure you will,see you soon ,lots of love aunt dawn xxxxx
hi lovelies,
well the final message before you are home, where have the 6 months gone, so looking foward to seeing you , have missed you so very much but also feel sad for you both that the adventures have come to a close although I am sure we will be hearing about them for some time. Only 4 sleeps to go before we are waiting for you at the airport, sooooo excited, enjoy the last few days, I am sure you have bled the boys dry!
love you soo very muchxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Chickadeas, its been ages since I wrote to you so big sozzlers for that! I hope that you are still enjoying yourselves on the last leg of your world tour - can't belive you'll be coming home soon!!!!! Seems like only yesterday we were dropping you off at the airport! The weather has been pretty sweet over here for the last week or no doubt it will rain when you arrive back! Ha! Have a wicked time in the Big Apple (My favourite place on the whole planet)...(off this planet I'd have to say its Uranus). Me and the Am-to-the-ber are looking forward to copious amounts of drinking with you both at the welcome home gig (unless the homecoming turns into one massive hangover for you...which is v.likely).
Anyways... Smash it up and I'll see you in 4 DAYS!!!!!!!!
Love Craigus-von-Craigstein. xx
Hey Girls just checking Vegas pictures am so jealous you wouldn't believe. Really hope you went to some of the great clubs they got there. Can tell me all about it when your back. Have fun in NY theres a place called the Meat District I think. That's where some of the clubs and bars are although that depends on where your your staying and how close you are as NY is a huge place oh and a wicked club called the Crow bar its absolutley massive with loads of rooms (if it's still there while since I been). X X X
David Sims
hi katie just to let you know hospital went ok but i got to have a 24 hour blood pressure machine attached to myself at the end of april.hope your ok. x
Nana Joan
Hi there girls, Sorry I've not been in touch lately but have been having trouble with my e-mailing! Anyway so glad that you have still been enjoying yourselves but am counting the days until you return. Katie thank you so much for my lovely Mothers Day card - it was very thoughtful of you and much appreciated. I believe you will be off tomorrow to New York - will you have any funds left to be able to go shopping or did you lose it all in Las Vegas! Enjoy your last few days but hurry home to us safe and sound.
Luv you lots, xxxxxxxxx
David Sims
ok vye thts 1-0 to you.i will let you know how it all goes.saw jems pics on facebook from las vegas.looks quality and your going to nyc.guess when we go for that drink i won't be able to keep you quiet is fine and all else and man cold has almost gone now.i'll get you back though for calling me a wimp, somehow lol.take care x
BRING ON FRIDAY 10th APRIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOP!