Hey Ladies...
Hope you had an amazing time in Fiji...and managed to cope with the facebook withdrawal :-)
Loving all your updates....even though it makes me soooo jealous!
Love and kisses to you both xx
Hey girls!
Wow, ive just had a big catch up of your blogs for the last 45 minutes...sounds amazing!! I cant remember when you're due back but im guessing it cant really be that long now? And im assuming we will celebrate big time by having a massive night out?? Woohoo!
Loads of love xxxx
Hi my little hunnies, just to let you know Jem I bought a Heat magazine for you as there is a rather good picture of Ray which I think you will approve of!
Hope Fiji has been hot and sunny and given you the last chance to top up your tans!
Love youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
So anyway, rant over- would just like to say that we are not going to be able to communicate for the next couple of weeks as we are starting our Island hopping trip 'Tropical Awegasm'!!! tomorrow and suprisingly none of the small beautiful Islands have an internet connection.. how rude! (not sure how we will cope- probably get facebook withdrawal symptoms after 3 days!) so until then lots of love and thanks again everybody for all your messages so far- we love receiving them!
Take care and oh if anybody is wondering yes I am feeling much better Thank you haha!
Jill your right... thank god now that would have been embarassing!! haha.
Auntie Dawn -Ahh glad to hear that both the girls are doing well. Wow bet Keely is sooo excited about her holiday she will have a fantastic time im sure! Not going to lie but I did have a little giggle about the dancing lessons comment - Just struggling to see Uncle Bill pulling out the rock n roll moves haha! But cant wait to see it you can put on a performance for me when im back as am sure you will be pros by then!!Cant wait! Yea New Zealand was amazing had a fantastic time and was sad to leave but loving fiji already and we are off on a 12 day trip around the islands tomorrow so looking forward to that! Yes the tan is definitely in need of some topping up so will be taking full advantage of the sun shine! Well glad to hear your all ok, speak to you soon. Lots of love, miss you all xxxxxx
Nicky - Hiya, great to hear from you! I know its gone soooo quick and i know these last few weeks are going to fly by! Scary - not looking forward to going back to the real world and having to get a job! eek! Ahh glad to hear the boys are well and bless george that is pretty good going that he managed to sit still through it im impressed! Bet your very excited about your holiday now!! Enjoy shopping and hope you have a brilliant time!! Look forward to catching up when im back!! Lots of love to you all xxxxxx
Nicky Starling
hiya jem,
just a quick catch up............glad to see you are still enjoying yourselves. cant believe its only two weeks till we go to egypt then you are back the week after we get back.....how quick has that gone????? bet you cant believe its nearly over then back to reality!!!! boys are doing really well. toby has had a really bad tummy bug but on the mend now bless him. mum and dad took george to see the lion king last sunday as part of his xmas pressie he really enjoyed it and came back full of it.......not many 4 year olds would sit still for 3 hours but he managed it (much to my suprise!!!) off to milton keynes tomorrow with steve for a spot of holiday shopping while george is at school and my sister is having toby......fantastic!!!!
just in case i am totally rubbish before we go away have a fantastic rest of travels and keep safe. cant wait to see you soon.
tons of love from us all
hi jem sorry its been a while,busy on facebook,ha ha!!,so how was new zealand,bet you will top off your tan in fiji sounds a beautiful place,went to keelys 6th form parents evening yesterday,she is doing ok in her buisness studies,just needs to catch up on a bit of work,driving lesson tonight,that is also going well,and costing bill a fortune,not bloody cheap,lou is ok we have her parents evening on the 18th,she made a lovely spag bol at school,teacher was well pleased by what she made,myself and bill are fine,we went to plinston hall on sat,they had a band on and people dancing the lindy hop,dont laugh but me and bill are thinking of taking lessons,instead of the gym,told the girls they were not impressed at all,well jem enjoy your last weeks,oh keely going to greece in august,all booked up,2 weeks with her mates,love and miss you lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jill Vye
Hi lovely girlies!
Jem just thank your lucky stars Katie didn't have an infection in a more embarrassing place on her body !! By the way my darling daughter - have you thought that the goon might have actually caused your throat infection, bit like paint stripper would!! Hee Hee
Have a safe journey both of you and let us know that you've arrived safely.
Take care and get well soon. I'm counting the days until you get back (bet you're not)
Love you loads xxxxx
Oh and by the way someone needs to tell Katie that having a sore throat does not count as a medical condition!!! ......
When booking our fiji trip earlier today the guy asked if we had any special dietary requirements or medical conditions and to my utter shock katie proceeded to tell him about her recent viral infection in her throat!! haha!! She didnt even get why me and the guy were cracking up at her, she really thought he needed to know about this!! Ahh bless, think all the drugs have gone to her little blonde head!! hehehehe!
Love you really Vye Vye!
Jem & Kt
So off to fiji tomorrow....eek!!! very excited!!
However we realise that a blog entry for the north island of New Zealand is due and would like to apologise that we have not done it today as planned but you know how it is...places to go and people to see! hehe. We will do this asap.
Hope all is well in England, just 5 weeks until you all get to see our beautiful faces again! haha arent you the lucky ones!
CRYSTAL - very dissappointed in your recent antics young man!! A 19 year old lithuanian...really??!! Your a disgrace boy and I will be telling you so face to face in April! haha!!!!
Much Love as always....
NO NIP PIERCING GUYS just to make that clear!!!!! haha
Jen Jen - haha yes just checking you all have the vital skills to make it through life! As for the nip piercing....over to you vye! haha just kidding definitely not! hehehe xxx