Just sitting here nursing a wicked hangover. Hope your both doing really well. Think you may have some missed calls from me about 4 in the morning, meant to call a different Jemma. Don't worry she's a mate so don't get jealous
Anyways gonna go and do my weekly ritual shave my hair, pluck my eye brows etc so take care of each other and hav fun x x
Well ladies have fun in NZ and keep us updated! Not sure if there is much gossip here...not sure if you know we are all off to Colchester in a couple of weeks to stay with lici and go out down there for her birthday and we are all dressing up as bumble bees!! Got my outfit its so bloody cool!! lol! Cant wait to wear it!
I have an exam on friday so I really should be learning some laws right now but catching up with u girlies is much more fun!
Love ya xxxx
don't worry about the new clothes Jill, they both look so trim and in such great shape their new clothes will be smaller and will fit with no trouble at all, either that or they will say that old thing i have had it for ages!
Mummy V
Hi blonde bombshells! Glad to know you've arrived in NZ safely on your next part of the adventure - can't wait to hear all about it. Well done girls on the brilliant blogs and photos of Aussie - really makes me want to go and see the beautiful country for myself (not sure about the goon though)!
Hey Katie, have you bought yourself a bigger rucksack??! How else could you get in that beautiful black dress with colourful flowers, the sexy silver sandals, the gorgeous black and blue elasticated dress, the sassy khaki skirt, the slinky black and blue T shirt dress, the sophisticated black and white dress, the striking pink, black & blue dress and the cute cerise pink shorts????
(Sorry, couldn't resist it)!!!! :) Love and miss you so much xxxxxxxxxxx
Jem & Kt
Kezzy - wow sounds like your having great fun honey, glad your enjoying it! Oh yea coogee was great we will have lots to discuss when were home hehe! Keep us updated on any girly goss! We landed in Christchurch today and dont have a plan yet but hoping to sort it all tomorrow and move on Wednesday so will let you know where were heading next! Miss you lots, love you!! xxx
Mummy T - Flight was fine and in NZ safe and sound if a little cold! Very jealous you have snow and hope you all get a day off work for it!hehe. Oh dear hope Ray picks up his game again for next week...so excited about watching the playbacks. Need to show full support of my future husbands career though!hehe. Will be in touch soon to let you know what were up to. Love you very much xxxxxx
Much love to all....Gally and The Vyester xxxxx
Hi lovelies, great to talk to you ea, hope the flight is ok to NZ, We have had aflurry of snow and more is expected tomorrow.
Ray was good but had a couple of stumbles! must be nerves! taped it for you,todd was just as bad but not funny this week, time to go ! michael underwood went he was in the bottom 2 with melinda messanger.
look forward to hearing about your adventures in NZ.
a big big thank you to Katie's Nans friend Margot for helping you out in your hour of need.
look after each other, love you so very muchxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Girls,
Loving your blogs and photos...very jealous! And I must say u r both looking very sexy and tanned!! I know you would know maccys.....ha ha! Oh loved palace and cbh...brings back lots of memories! Training is going well here....firestation was fab and not like that as I have my lovely Rich but I really enjoyed it and was very exciting going out on blue lights through luton on the fire engine when we got a shout! Hope your looking after eachother! Where u off to in NZ??
Love and miss you both xxxx
Jem & Kt
Well we hope you all pleased with the long awaited updates - we missed a day at the beach for this! Enjoy xxxx
Mummy - Oh God am so livid I am missing it!!! Dont think Katie will be pleased if I fly home now for it though! haha!! Cant wait to watch it in April! Love you millions xxxxx
HI hunnies,just watched dancing on ice,you should come home now, Ray is just amazing,recorded him for you and will try to remember every week.
love and miss you so very muchxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wow- so many messages I don't know where to start, it seems I've been quite neglectful (so my mother tells me... oops!!)
SIMS- Hello matey!! Happy New Year to you, hope you're feeling a it better now its warming up a bit there. I have to say I was a little bit jealous of your snow though as funny as that sounds (I love snow in winter!) Hows work? New Year fireworks were amazing- we were at Luna Park right next to bridge, very lucky! spk soon xx
Tim and Ann- haha! So you've basically just confirmed that Mum and Dad will give me some money? sorry could you repeat that... or better still you could go have a word!! hehe! How are you both? The girls? I miss them (and you of course) loads. We have left Sydney now, in Melbourne. Had such a fantastic time and will update the blog soon... HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope you lot are keeping up all your naughty antics, lots of love xx
Jilly willy Vye Pye- Haha we listened to Timothy and we took note... you better see him if you have a problem with that! Oh and we had the whole flat in anticipation for the 'hunk' in the picture- all the lads thought it could be one of them... was so funny!!! xx
LOZZA- put your arm near our picture!! haha! we miss you!! Sorry its late but yes that is my number hun- wont be for much longer though as leaving for NZ on 2nd Feb and will hopefully get a new number, you can text me in the next week though!! :o) Cant believe you saved Christmas in such a dramatic way!! You must have been so scared... Good job PC Crowley you should receive a badge! NY sounded like a goodun', tell Alicia flowers are not microphones... or sexy boys for that matter and to clean up her act! Miss you millions and we will update the blog soon, Melbourne is really good! Love you xxxxxxxxx
KEZ BAG- We know the feeling of deleting a blog... how frustrating!!! We were joking about macDonalds... of course we know it- we were trying to make out we'd never seen it (or been in it) in our lives haha! Yeah the Palace was a local hotspot! no game though?! Good times on the Balcony, and the old Coogee bay Hotel!! So come on... how was the fireservice placement? are we going to be insanely jelous? Did you get to touch any hoses?!!! (sorry respectful people) Sounds like fun anyhoo... lovin it? Miss you very much, send our love to all the girlies xxxxxxxx
MEL- August is a date, but we text so you know that. Peace out and much love, your 2 favourite blondies xxxx
DADDY V- Bless ya for checking everyday, your as bad as mum. But you dont moan as much for me not wiritng back so I like you better!! A warm room... I cant believe it!! (and all these years I just thought it was favouritism with my lovely sibling). Haven't hit the goon in a while, went through a strongbow sweet cider stage in Sydney but think we need to get back to old habits and save some money!! Melbourne looks set to be a wicked week- Australia day is Monday so there's stuff going on all over the place all the time... perfect! Yeah Unc paul text me, can't belive it, send him my love. I can't wait to see you too, love you loads, your little adventurer and now mountain climber!! xxxx
CHRIS K- Oh not you too, bloody thing!!! Glad you're feeling better! Hope Gavin makes a speedy recovery... haha what a legendary way to brake you're collar bone though... him and dad can exchange gory details! Yes we are having the times of our lives as you can probably tell, making the most of it and we will blog it up soon we promise!! Lots of love xxxxx
last but never least... JOANY BABY- Hello lovely.. sorry to have scared you for a bit there but luckily your great friend Margot sorted us out a treat, it was like 5 star treatment and we are meeting again in the week for more fun and a visit to a winery (heaven!!) so can't wait for that. Hope you're okay and looking after Uncle paul isnt too hard haha! Give him a kiss from me. we'll try not to keep you too long, love you so much.
Katie xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Everyone!!! We can only sincerely apologise for the lack of a new blog and pics... we have been very slack we admit!! But fear not we now have only one week left in OZ (eek!!) and so before we leave for New Zealand we will fully update!!!!We Promise!!!...
Cyrstal - Happy New Year my lovely!!! Hope you had a good one in Spain!? Any new ladies in your life for the year of 2009??!! Be sure to keep me updated on any goss!! Were all good, spending our last week of OZ in melbourne and got an action packed week ahead of us which you will here about very soon! Missing you lots, hope all is well. Love to Rich & Jen and of course the doggies xxxxxxxx
Rossy - haha you know you love the drunken messages! Hope all is good - hear you have been pumping it at the gym?! Do you have bigger arms than me yet?! Hope so!! haha. Missing you lots,look forward to speaking to you soon xxxx
Auntie dawn...Hiya! Oh god favourite place that is a toughy! Well Byron bay was really lovely but Sydney was amazing - could have stayed there forever! (dont panic mum im not!) Glad you are all well, god bet lou will be taller than me by the time i get home! damn it! Ahh good on Keely would love her to pass before I get home!! She can take me cruising! haha! Trying to keep the tan topped up but the weather cant seem to make up its mind at the moment so we shall see! Miss you all soo much, love to you all as always xxxxxxxxx
Mummy T - Thanks for the update im pretty confident 'The Quinnster' has nothing to worry about!! Brilliant!! Cant believe the boys have been hitting the gym- they're prob trying to pump up ready for when they meet those two gorgeous girls in New York!!!haha! Yea I knew you would be jealous of the Tshirt haha! But you cant have it - so gutted i didnt get it in time, will defo have to wear it when im home!! Hope you and dad are ok - looking forward to speaking to you again really soon!! Love you so so so so much and thinking of you always!! xxxx