Wow I love this blog stuff!! It's so great to hear all your news and also see messages from everyone else. I hope you both have the most amazing time and a safe journey. Kiss an elephant from me!! Sorry about your cold darling - hope you feel better soon and I'm sure you'll both get some sleep tonight. All my love (and dads) xxxx
Kt And Jem!!!!
Craig- Well it absolutely poured terrential style yesterday but today we have been blessed with glorious sunshine! Its sweat weather though so the tan is not doing great!! (by the way- the book... wow, its out of this world! thank you so much, loves ya x)
Mummy T - Great news about the weight loss haha, there is hope for us yet! Will facebook Lianna nearer to when we head to Oz so we can catch up with her! Love you so much too, and dont worry the photos are on their way!! (after our trip!)
Love to you the boys and Mrs Snuffles nicky!! And thanks for the rolling clothes tip - it worked a treat!!
Thank you so much Sue- we may just have to take you up on that offer ! Would be great to see Mel too, so will definately be in contact. We will be in Sydney for a couple of weeks I imagine, arrive just before Christmas time. xxx
Mumma V and Papa V Love you and miss you x
Hello katie and jemma,
hi again katie linz and phil's auntie sue here! This blog thingo is a fantastic idea ! the time has gone so quickly since we met at Terry & Kaths in June it was so lovely to see you again, i was so surprised to know you have set off already. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you can come over any time for a meal, we'd love to see you and i know mel is going to get in touch with you also about getting together. How long are you in sydney for? I have given mum our tel. no's in case you need them. Do take care of yourselves and have a wonderful trip,
love, Sue, Tony, Gavin, Craig and Mel Skeels xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi girls, glad to hear you arrived safe and sound. excellent news about the flights!!!!!! looking forward to hearing about all your experiences. Enjoy every minute. The boys send you a big kiss (even Steve!!!!!). lots of love. Xxxxxx
sounds like your excited about your trip, can't wait to see the pictures and updates, hopefully it will make it seem that you are not so far away, lots of people were asking after you both at the gym, Jacquie said she hpoes you will be able to meet up with Lianna in Sydney as you will be there at the same time, she is missing female company but still having a great time, also don't worry too much as Lianna said she has lost weight since being away, so that bridesmaid dress will be a perfect fit Katie.Love you so much xxx
Craig Vye
What's the weather like?! its pretty naff over here, wet and dreary still. Properly bored at work today, had enough of calling nobheads and asking them to buy advertising space. Hope you're having more fun.....start uploading some pics soon - at least then I can imagine the time away!! xxxx
Kt And Jem!!!!
Hi Everyone!!!
Thank you for all your messages, they made us giggle! Good one on the update Theresa... appreciated! Jilly don't be sad, we're fluent at Bangladeshi now as Ross knows so we'll be fine! Got our meeting tonight with Intrepid tours, off to Chang Mai tomorrow on an overnight train... fun times! Anyway, shall write a blog of our first experiences soon. Lots of Love as always... katie and Jem
Hello my darlings. Mum rang me today to let me know that you arrived safely. Hope you have a wonderful trip and come back safely to us. Luv you lots, Nana xxxxx
Chris Kirkham
Hi Girlies. I am so so jealous. Mum (Vye) a bit down today cos she's missing you but it wont last long. Really looking forward to keeping up with your travels, especially New York as I am off there in May. I'm voting to keep John Sergeant in strictly - it's the funniest thing I've seen in years. Alan and Gavin send their love. x x x
Ross Gallagher
Hey girls glad to hear u got there safetly and that ur hotel is nice! Have u picked up any of the language yet... ? Bangladeshi isnt it Katie, Ha! Take care and have a great time on ur trip tomo! Ross x x
so glad you arrived safely,missing you so much but can't wait to follow all your adventures. andrew castle went in stricly and i will keep you updated with x factor and dirty dancing. look after each other and enjoy your thailand trip. love you so much xxx
Hello sweeties! Hope your flight was good and you managed to get some sleep (well I know Katie who could sleep anywhere would have done!) Just want to say I miss you so much already but I know you will have the best time of your lives. Take care, keep safe both of you and I look forward to hearing that you've arrived safely. Love you so much xxxx