Hi girls, really pleased you've landed safely and seem to be getting on alright - apart from the lack of sleep! Jo and I have read your latest diary entry today and are looking forward to the next one!
On a duller note we're still finishing off your work, talking about fixes and s*** all else really.
Have fun and keep safe, talk soon xxx
A quick soap update,Eastenders is so dull there is nothing really to report, dirty dancing was good , fosse was the dance style, james and pamela stayed together, vincent and coiffe, hayley and simon and alex and the frizzy haired girl (forgot her name), they went home but were in the bottom two with pamela and james who were not that good at all, hayley and simon were the winners and well deserved. Looking forward to the next update, just off to the charity shop as ross is not happy with the blouse he chose yesterday for cork.
Love and miss you loads.xx
hi girls,jem dont worry i got all the banks security questions correct ! so your cancelled card still works.. mum admitted she would have panicked ! im just about over that t*** spoiling the f1,if only kt hadnt been in his way! we have just found out we have to dress as propper english laydeez when we go to cork ,even on the plane!!!! ,ross has a lurvely blouse! haha have a great trek look after each other xxxx
Just read Theresa's message and had to let you know that I cried (I know, its pathetic) when I watched the last episode of the family - the wedding! I've saved it so dad can't wipe it off (by accident of course) so you can cry too..lol Happy and safe treking girls can't wait to see the next blog love you xxxx
Sorry Jem I was thinking you had a blonde moment and forgot to tell the bank when it was me that forgot that you had, hopefully it will all be ok, Dad as usual had to call me as he gets confused with your date of birth.
Rosie got away from John as Fizz went to feed the cat, (that did not exist), the family ended with the eldest daughter's wedding.Dad tells me i have an E mail on system at home, looking forward to reading it after spinnin, thinking of you both and what your getting up to, love and miss you loads.xx
Craig Vye
Hi Kate, just a quick one - while I still remeber to do so I've got Matthew jacobs' Australian mobile number!! In case you didn't know, he moved out there (sydney) about 9 months ago indefinitely. So it will be defo worth getting in touch and hooking up with him. If you want his number I'll email it to you. Just let me know.
Hope you're having fun on the trip an' all that jazz - Amber is massively jealous, and wishes she was out there too.... love from us both. xx
P.s: What colour is a belch?......... 'Burple'! Hehehe!
Lozzie Poo
Why Hello from Campton!!! Sounds like ur going to have loadz of fun! Does sound a bit scary though lol! So be careful! Im sat at work soooo bored! Love reading ur blog makes the day more interesting! I thought I joined this blog so it would come up on my facebook but it don't grrr how do i do this? Good Luck and enjoy every moment love always lozzie poo x x x x
Sheena Gray
Hi Jem and KT have a wonderful time, we will look after your mum Jem so don't worry. When in Australia if you need any advice I can put you in touch with my sister Chrissie in Armidale NSW she has plenty of friends in Sydney and would be more than happy to help you guys out if necessary. Take care have lots of fun. Sheena
Great to read your 1st blog although Naomi beat me to it, I think she will be on here more than me! hope you both get some sleep to recharge your batteries, hope you are feeling better KT and Jem has been giving you plenty of TLC. The final episode of the family tonight and Max is still breathing in Eastenders.Ross is off to watch Arsenal tonight and Chelsea lost last night to Roma 3-1. Missing you so much, the house is very quiet without you,can't wait to see the pictures, look after each other , keep safe and enjoy every minute.Love you lots xx
Chris K
Just read Jill's message "kiss an elephant from me"!!!! She would frighten it to death and snog the pants off it if she were there. Remember girlies do as Mums say not as they do. You wont have as much fun but you also wont get into any trouble! I love this blog stuff too so will contribute regularly if only to amuse Craig whilst working! Take care love C x x x
Naomi Banks
Hi Jem, am here with your mummy, just reading your blogs. they speak Thai .... Sawadika (female greeting for ladies). The heat is very hard but you will adjust, and keep the sun cream on even though it's raining .... you will still tan lol! Hear you may be going to Koh Samui, (1 hr flight south from Bankok), there are some good places to visit there .... big buddha, and they do a good trip by boat to Anthong National Marie Park .... well worth it. The Thai's a nice people, have always felt safe out and about, They giggle when nervous, it is courteous to bow to them when saying sawadeeka ... and never touch their heads as it's insulting to them. Just got back myself ... am dead jealous. Take care, be safe, keep us posted... me and your mum will be keeping up with your adventures. Let me know when in New Zealand .... can let you know some good stuff to do !!! Take care naomi.