Oh dear I have viewed 174 pics so far and three vids. Still no proper bikini shots, what's going on lol Loved Baileys picture of new girlfriend, although they might just have to be friends as bro got Bailey's nuts chopped off the other day. Bailey was a little grumpy that's for sure. Looks like your having an awesome time, so wish I had an elephant they look fun. Take care girls XOXO
Work facists aren't letting me post SB's picture...I'll email it to you when I get home. VERY cute.
I can't believe you found someone actually called Mowgli! Now you have to find Baloo, Bahgeera and Shere Khan :o)
Your pics look amazing, you both look like you're in a perminate state of excitment and happiness.
Take care lovies, and bring me back that puppy! Awww!
Kt And Jem
HAHAHAH nice one Craigy- you jus had us in fits of giggles!!!!! Do we really sound that good in our blog?! haha! WOw I think your day beats ours, sounded luxurious!! You're just a bloody comedy genius aren't you?!!
Sarah- Haha! we wondered why you starred his name, then saw your message was so funny! Just wait til Dicky see's, he wont be happy!- get that pic on... hows alfie?! x
Lovely to hear from you girlies- Carly we booked everythiong with STA they were really good xx Lozza glad you like the blog- and we're very impressed with your Combat attitude!!
Lots of Love to everyone, we miss you loads- thanks for coming on :o)
H Sweeties, hope it is not too stressful chilling on the beach, watch the rays even if the sun is not shining, don,t want your fair skins to get burnt.
Lianna has had a tattoo on her back , it is 5 stars,her friend Liam had one too on his upper back,Lianna has met back up with her friend Kim who is on crutches after tearing ligaments while very drunk.
Dirty dancing update....same partners as last week, all danced different styles picked by Pamela and James, they chose hiphop of course, they chose disco for Hayley and Simon and lyrical for Coiffe and Vincent ho took it to another level and came 1st Simon and Hayley ere sent home,Pamela and James are the best pair but I really like Vincent so I want them to win!
Tony has cash flow problems so the girls in the factory are not getting paid, John is now locked up and Fizz is off to south africa for a dvd special, david and tina walked in on their mum and dad kissing! it did not go down well.Peter Barlow has been left all of Lucy's money, he plans to buy the bookies.
Dad is at the dirt bike show today,Ross is at college, not long until his next exams (bring on the rising stress levels).
keep us updated love and miss you loadsxxxx
hey guys omg it all just sounds amazing......ive written down my dads e-mail because im far too blonde to have one,heaven knows how im gunna survive on my travells haha!!!!i cant wait to get started, i need to start booking things, any handy tips and advice????where did u sort urs out??im still gunna do thailand and australia in feb and then a month in ibiza-u know i cant keep away then me, hollie and nikki are planning on going to new york, las vegas and califonia in the summer AND ill hopefully be starting uni in sept-at long last, well i had to grow up some day haha!!hope ur both ok, whats the food like kt???love u both caarlsberg x x x
Ross Gallagher
Hey Girls glad to hear u both having a good time.. photos are really good! Few little fashion disasters, flip flops and socks jem! But will let u off! Nothing much going on here, messy weekend in cork and went to Arsenal game last night, we won...but not too much more about that or it will set Craig off about the revolution at Spurs! Enjoy the full moon party and speak to u soon.... x x x
Lozzie Poo
EEkkkkk Me and mum just sat and watched a slide show of all your photos-we had a few giggles lol-Jem wearing socks n flip flops, my mum thinking kt's bite was her boob lol! Mrs Crowley says HI! They are amazing pictures though girls, feel like its not real that your there lol! Can u bring me back an elephant they are soooo amazing and cute! Glad you are both having a fabo time! Miss ya loadz! No goss really just boring boring here! Going to body combat soon (Jem I have grown to love it hehe) Thurs night im going to a party wit chiltern Fm Charlotte has been nominated and in final 4 for pride of bedfordshire-so should be a good night Beverly from last yr x factor is singing lol! Got Fri off work which is good as going to Nottingham 4 the weekend to see little Abz cant wait but bit scared im not going to be able to keep up wit all the drinking lol! Any way enough about me! I love hearing ur wonderful adventures think u should write a book when u get home hheheh! Keep safe have fun big kisses 2 both of u love ya x x x xx x x
Hi jem, oh my god it all sounds so fantastic...........beats being here in the rain!!!!! my sister is reading your blogs too she said it brings back so many memories from her time travelling. all is good here. George starting to get excited for xmas.....he doesnt understand there is another six weeks!!!! continue to keep safe hun and enjoy. lots of love nicky steve and boys xxxxxxxxxx
hi jem and katie,just looked at your photos, they are pretty amazing,cant believe youve been there over a week already.have a wonderful time .lots of lv dawn bill,keely,lauren
Sarah Bryant
How funny - I just checked my message I just posted and it's automatically starred out your Dads name. Hope he doesn't think I was being rude!!!!! I will refer to him as Richard from now on!!!
Sarah Bryant
Wow! You both look like you are having the time of your lives. Beats pensions hey!!
Maybe you should be a writer when you get back you tell a great story, I'm sat here laughing to myself! - I can't wait for the next update - and I hate reading.
I've been hanging out with Gilly and d*** (at the Sheppards firework party) - and I've got a great photo of Gilly to send you - once I work out how to post it!
We all miss you loads at work. Have fun love a very jealous SB xxx
Craig Vye
An update for KT & JimJams:
Craig's Blog:
The alarm went off at 6:30am, on time as ever (b****** thing). Rolled out of bed feeling knackered due to over imaginative brain activity, incessant stressing over making cold sales calls in my sleep (and of course...no b***** bought any advertising in my dreams either). My breath billowed out in frost-cold, smokey plumes as I got ready. I could have sworn that my extremities - being devoured by frost bite at the time -were dropping off one by one around my feet.
Drove to my usual parking space on my journey to work only to find it occupied by a monstrous sized 'family' MPV, inducing an almost incandescent bout of road rage, "B!st"rd Family F*%$*rs!! Why don't they just F^£k Off and travel/park at reasonable OFF F*"£ing PEAK times. GRRRR!! kfdhvguybdg!"
After parking in the back arse of no where had to run up the hill to the station in torrential rain and howling, inclement south-westerly wind, turning my useless excuse for an umbrella inside-out.
Borded the sorry excuse for a cattle transporter, rain-soaked, fingerless but sweating from the run, only to find that the kind driver had the heaters on full blast - a sensible idea on a sardine-packed commuter train when its freezing outside & little in the way of ventilation.
Thawed and perspired on the journey to work.
Worked all day.
The end.
Love Craig. xxxxxxxxx
(P.s amazing photo's, Vids & blog - missing you loads)