Hey girls. What a fantastic blog and photos and videos. I am going to go all through it again. How wonderful to share it with you. I loved it all. Keep them coming it's amazing. x x
The blog ,photos and videos are amazing, you both look like seasoned travellers and it has only been just over a week, love the socks and flip flop look.
It was great to talk to you earlier, all this contact makes it seem you are not so far away.
Eastenders stepped up the pace last night and ended with Tanya admitting it was her driving the car that knocked over Max, watch this space....
Enjoy the beaches, look forward to the next instalment, take care both of you, love you loads xxx
Hey girls! hope all is good! just looked at ur pics looks like ur having the best time and loving the blogs as well! enjoy the full moon party! take care u 2! enjoy it! much love x x x
Wow - what can I say, the blog, photos (I haven't got to the videos) are absolutely amazing!! It's so great to see you both and looking so beautiful and so happy. This trip will last in your memories forever and I feel that I'm sharing it with you. I'm sorry I missed your call darling, hopefully get to speak to you later. Keep safe, all my love xxxx
Naomi Banks
Hi you two, Jem your mum has just told me that you are off to Koh Samui - be careful at the full moon party and just take enough money - nothing else, lots of pickpockets. Met two girls who went - it sounds good! also on Koh Samui try and see the big budda in the boh Phut region of the island, Chaweng is a must for shopping - when bartering always half the price they want and work from there - NEVER PAY WHAT THEY WANT! Another tactic that works when they hassle you to buy is to say "no money fly home today" they usually give up then. and dont fall for any street scams. If you can do the jungle safari (on jeeps) they take you to the centre of Koh Samui which is mountainous and the views are spectacular! Also great fun hanging off the jeep! look out for the red buses - a bit like tuk tuks only bigger there are plenty running around always agree a price before getting on but you can get around for about 300 baht to all the top attractions of the island. It is quite small, it only took us 1 hour to drive round the island, there is a main road that circles the island and smaller ones branching off towards the resorts etc. Get a tourist map on arrival at the airport it will prove invaluable in getting around etc. Take care enjoy the flight.
Mum- also Iknow you will be checking this at work so just wanted to say i tried emailing your work address but wouldnt let me- think somethign about content (nothing rude though?!!) so emailed it to richardvye one and craigs hotmail. also gonna try calling you soon xxxx
Kt And Jem
Treated you all to another blog, couple of vids and our first lot of pics so enjoy! (these mums are very demanding haha!)
Micky dont try and blame me for finding out the result- i know i am the usual suspect haha! Mum please dont let dad 'accidentally delete' anything okay!!!
arghhhh HOS FIXES?!!!! TOR/EVE /SARAH did I not ever mention never to mention those words on this site- their banned. MIss you all xxxxxx
Rach- hey Huss monster having such a great time, very shi=ocking at first but settling in quickly- we're keeping safe dont worry! Miss you millions, enjoy the blog x
Lozza- not sure about facebook thing hon- try getting to it through one of our profiles. Hope work is okay, we are having so much fun but miss you loads- keep us updated on the goss!
Darce- Great gossip from you!! cant believe it- thats great!! jem said you better not be leaving the shefford crew?! No herbal tea thankfully but those sangsom buckets are lethal haha!! love u xx
Craigy- that would be great if you could yeah, would be cool to see him if he's up for meeting up? love you xxxxx
Hi mum and dad!! Am lovin all the tv updates mum, dont want to fall out the loop!! Cant believe x factor, am livid! I knew already as a girl had her phone in the jungle and her mum text her so waking up to that news at 7:30am made me livid!!
Cork sounds ace, let me know how it was (think you have been now?!) cant wait to see the pics!! Dad - forgetting my DOB very naughty!! it was the best day of your life!!! But thanks so much for sorting that as otherwise i would have been in a panic!! Just about to do the next blog and some pics, no they have been long awaited for mummy!
Love you both so much and think of you every day!!
Sawadee kha!
Eeek, just read your first blog and it brings back so many memories. Hope your tour is loads of fun, save some money for Chiang Mai night market Bit of goss for u...ive put a deposit down for a flat so hopefully by the time you're back i will be all moved in and ready for a girlie party! Looking forward to your next blog and your crazy stories from your trek...be careful if they offer you any "herbal tea" in the hill-tribe village...i woke up hallucinating that there were hundreds of spiders crawling over roz after drinking that, haha!
Lots of love xx
2 messges in 1 day! strictly was a travesty, Rachel(ho as fab)and Heather(much improved)were in the bottom2,Heather went,the comedy factor has gone from Jon Seargant, he was rubbish and needs to go!
Jill phoned tonight, we are both coping better without you both than we were this time last week but continue to miss you loads.
Sue and Dave were asking after you and said to take care.
love youxx
Hi sweeties, hope all is ok with you both,looking forward to the 2nd instalment on your blog.
think you will be surprised by the x factor result,it was Mariah carey night,Diana has laringytis and did not perform, she has been given a pass through to next week, alot of publicity re Rachel sacking her mentor Danni and she picked her own song and wardrobe,she sang ok but was emotional and lacked her usual confidance and attitude, the bottom 2 were......Ruth and Laura.....Ruth belted out Knocking on heavens door, Laura sang a meek over the rainbow....Laura was sent home, both simon and louis chose Ruth to stay.
Saw Jemma Darcy yesterday she was asking after you both.
Goes without saying love and miss you loads, look after yourselves and have fun.xxx
Hey babe. u ok? You enjoying yourselves? Hopefully you have both settled in and are enjoying northern Thailand, and are both being safe. Can't wait to hear about the next stage of your adventure! Thinking of you, missing you already. Love you x x