Hiya "daughter's" thought it was about time I made an appearance! Your blog is fantastic and I visit it every day to catch up.Love the photos and video, When can we expect some more? Missing you loads even though I now have control of the TV remote! Keep safe Daddy V. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dawn Brooks
hya jem,its so cold here ,may get snow 2ngt.just watched x factor,rachel out,thank god,bill.had a good sleep,lazy git 4.15 he got up can you believe it.kee gone 2 bar amego,dont know why she has no money until pay day but didnt want 2 stay in(with the old ones ha!ha!)u look like you r having a lovely time.cant believe you have been there 3 weeks already,it will soon go by and wishing you were there again,wish i had the nerve to do what you have done,will speak soon,love and miss you, keep safe, lv auntie dawn & uncle billxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lauren Brooks.x
heya Jem,
love all the photos it looks really fun wish i was there with you! on the elephants and the water fall, the little puppys look sooo cute expecially the ginger fluff ball,hehe dont wear socks and sandles again lol :) missing you lotss and lotss keep dreaming about me and keely :P missing you soo much.
write to you soon, lots of hugs and kisses lauren
hi hunnies, it is bloody freezing here today, with the windchill it is -6 and i was working outside today, deep joy!
Jacquie phoned me last night, lianna is now on her own, her and her friend had a falling out, her friend has gone off, with their hire car and lianna does not know where she is, lianna has got herself to the airport for a flight to aus and is hoping that when you and katie get to aus she will be able to contact you, jacquie has left you a message on face book.
just off to get a shower and get ready to head off to claire and bernards reception,ross is out in bedford, big night, wissan's last night out with the boys, his baby is due in 3 weeks.
hope the final dive was as exciting as the rest, keep us updated,take care both of you, love and miss you so much.xxx
Terry & Kath
Hi Katie & Jem, just a quick note to say how enjoyable it is to share in all your wonderful experiences on your travels - keep it coming - thinking of you,
love Terry & Kath Skeels xxx
so lovely to talk to you earlier, great to hear about your adventures and hearing you sound so excited,keep us updated as much as you can, look after each other, miss and love you very much xxx
ross,stan and seward off to corn exchange in cambridge to see razorlight.xxx
Matt And Kate
Hi Katie and fav cuz,
great to hear and see your having so much fun! Your pics of Thailand looked very familiar and bring back some happy if not distant memories.Is there still a 711 every 10 metres in Bangkok?
Not much news with us 2 except Kate deciding to write her car off on the A1 last week. She managed to neatly park against the barrier facing the oncoming traffic, smashed up on 3 sides ooops!
Enjoy the diving its amazing out there.
love Matt and kate
Kt And Jem
Hi Guys!! Wow loving all the messages.. we are in demand!! hahaha!!!
We promise we'll update blog and all our pics very soon... just doing the last of the three Eastern Thai Islands and then we'll whack them on... currently doing our diving PADI course- is AMAZING!!!!
Thanks girls
Amy- yeah going to LA so remember all the good things you do and write us ALL your tips- yeah prob wont be spending too much on the ol' shopping budget! have a fantastic time, lovely to hear from you x
Lozza- we are confused- you mean MICKY from Eastenders?! Ah love it- keep us updated- thats if Theresa doesnt lol!!! Hope you're okay- we miss you like crazy too xxxxx
EVIEEEEEEE!!! Can't believe you wrote! haha did Sarah write for you?! hehe just kidding, so nice to hear from you! Oh my God I cant believe she's only gone and bloody got one, that naughty girl haha- there's no stopping her!! Nah, the girls will be MADE UP! Ill send you girlies a post card soon, miss you millionsxxxxxx
Comedy Genius/ The Noble- Mum told me about you getting wasted but not the patent shoes... it just gets worse! haha! Good for you, heard you made a few shapes on the dance floor as usual... thats my bro! We'll be bloggin' it up soon and if you're lucky I might even give you two a little tinkle hehe! Love you x
Keely - Seriously get out of my dreams and back to Business Studies!!hehe, Keep working hard honey, hope all is well with the boyf!! Send my love to Lou...Miss you all millions!!
Ross - WOW so excited already - thats awesome!!! Will be wicked! Keep studying hard while im fish spotting at the bottom of the Pacific?? ocean!! (not sure that is the right ocean?!) Miss you, hopefully chat to you soon xx
Love to both Mummys as always - is amazing to speak to you and love the messages (of course love to the daddys too!)
Hey Girls.... Thanks for text the other day Jem, was lovely to hear how u are doing ur PADI diving course in the clear blue seas in Thailand... Whils i was sat in the most boring tutorial on accounting standards.
Anyway just to confirm flights are booked me Stan and Seward hit NYC 30TH of March for a week (yes we got sew outta the county!!) stay safe
Ross x x
Lozzie (Pretty/sexydancer2)
OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I miss you guys like crazy!!!!!!!!!! Waiting for ur next blog lol guess ur so busy having so much fun! I hear your on a gorgeous beach wow sounds so romantic and beautiful----Any Boys ladies? Off to the dogs tonight 4 jem and kez b-day its going to be soooo cold, hope i win some money fingers cross! Ah guess wot SAME DIFFERENCE from x factor going to be sining their new song on x factor this week hahah told u they are great and they would make it big lol! Im a Celebrity get me out of here has just started. Mikey from easterenders is on there and he isss so funny! Nothing else to report to you! Keep safe and enjoy your adventure. Miss u loadz lozzza x xx x x x
Hello to both of you, hope you're having a wicked timeee :) Jem - haha at your dream but asif that would ever come true.. i wish !! I miss you lots too, feels like i haven't seen you in forever. Anyway i'm supposed to be in a business studies lesson so i will hopefully speak to you again soon, keeping it short but sweet ;) lolll ! Take care, you are obviously both having a great time ! Love you lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Comedy Genius (Aka Craig Vye)
Hey Bo-titch & Bum-itch how's it hangin?
Glad you liked the "Craig's Blog"!! Hehe! Thought I'd write summin different from the usual blah...
Got absolutely wasted at Amy's 21st! Smashed up the dancefloor in my brand new white patent winkle-picker shoes! Attention seeking as usual.
Came down with the man-flu after my mammoth hang-over from Amy's party subsided and had to take 2 days off work - spent both days watching every episode of the mighty boosh series 1&2 QUALITY!!!
2nd series of Gavin&Stacey reopeats on BBC1 for first time from this friday night - so gonna snaffle them up before the Xmas special comes along.
How was the full-moon party? did it blow your weedy little minds? - hope so! give us an update asap.