Hey Girlies!! Hope your flight was ok, and you are enjoying yourselves!!! make sure you go to the bohemia central hostel, quite nice but also amazing cocktails!!! also check out the ice cream in Cairnes - its to die for (gelato)!!on the wallaby tour up to milla milla falls is fun hehe. wish so much i was there with you katie. also the shopping centre is ok!!! hehe - look out a guy called fabio!! ;) miss u very much - i will email u back soon. love rach and laura x
hiya jem. glad to hear everything is still going well. bet you are glad the bus journey is over!!!!!! very jealous you will be in cairns very close family friends of ours live in palm cove and chris owns a hair salon there (if you need a haircut......highly recommend him). george is getting very excited for xmas. he has got his school play next week and he is a chocolate santa!!!! (changed abit since my day we used to be reindeer or wise men!!) the song he has to sing is driving us mad but i bet on the day he just stands there!!! dreading the xmas tree with toby about bet it wont stay upright for very long! steve is out playing 5 aside tonight and its bloody freezing....must be mad.
got my sisters 40th this wkend. there are 12 girlies off to london. ice bar then on to the living room then steve boys and dad are coming to meet us on sunday should be fun.
anyway keep safe, enjoy and most importantly look after each other.
lots of love and kisses from us all (including snuffles!!!)xxxxx
Hay Girlies, bk from the states. ended up in San diego...it was great my fav place stayed at coronardo lovely little island and because close to mexico really hot compared to november in the uk. spent the last few nights in HOLLYWOOD. not as big as expected but worth a trip the only place to go in LA. down town is all offices! the Viper lounge(p**** cat dolls lounge) is the place to go they were there with lewis the night we wnt!!! also a sports bar called "Happy Endings" on sunset blv. recommended by a "Hooters" girl....so you guessed it lots of boys!!!! LOL. anyways enjoy girls, keep safe. xxxxxx
Hi Hunnies, you will be in Aus when you get this message, cannot believe your month in thailand has gone already. Sorry for the delay in updates, very busy monday, out on visits all day and dad hogging the computer all night, are you sitting comfortably....Brttney was rubbish with a capital R, CAN YOU BELIEVED SHE MIMED, and very badly, she did not even meet with contestants, totally absurd, she just stood there grinning saying awesome and amazing, the girl's barking and i should know. Back to the important people, Ruth and Ogweon were in the bottom 2.... Ruth went home, no judges decision just the public vote, Diana is still my favourite, the judges are annoying me they are starting to critisise her and are knocking her confidence, i think they want Alexandra to win, strictly was of a very high standard, the weakest one went home who was christine, she was in the bottom 2 with Rachel, there is not alot to choose between the final 4 and the winner could be anyone of them.
Saw the boys on their birthday, richard and jen's conservatory is massive, just waiting for their furniture to arrive, they had been in london the night before and missed the last train, they got a taxi home , £100.
marnie was telling me that Suzanne's boyfriend proposed to her in Thailand and they are now engaged, lots of people continue to ask re your travels.
Ross off all week on study leave, although he has an away day on wednesday, his exams are 10th and 11th.
Matthew brought over the wedding photos on saturday, they are lovely, 2 official albums and 2 albums from what other people took, he also had photos of KATES CAR FOLLOWING HER ACCIDENT, she is a very lucky girl !
Jill and I had a lovely few hours out and a nice lunch at que pasa.
Hope you have a good flight, look forward to the next instalment, watch the skin in the strong sun and keep an eye on the finances but have a great time. Keep safe, love and miss you so very much.xxxx
Well g'day cobbers! Australia here you come - are they ready??!! Have a safe flight girls, will be thinking of you (I think you'll arrive about 10.30 pm our time). Can't wait to hear all about Singapore and I hope your mission went as planned Vye? Love you and miss you loads, stay safe xxxx
Kt And Jem
Hi Guys!!
Well we have come to our last few hours in Asia...eek! and are catching our flight to Cairns tonight!! Very Very excited!!
Jen - THe fancy dress party sounds wicked defo send me some pics if you can and if you got any at the boys bday gathering! Hope you didnt miss me too much!hehe. Yea the bus journey was hell but on a flight tonight so its all good - tell Christian he should go as little red riding hood!!haha。 Miss you all loads cant wait to meet Ramsay!
Keely - Hey honey so good to hear your stories!ahh sorry to hear about the boyf situation,no worries tho ur gorgeous so im sure youll be snapped up pretty soon!no 22 yr olds tho!haha。am lovin that you go to bar amigo now hehe i recommend the liquid cocaine or a strawberry dacquiri!As for the AS levels dont panic, indeedy you may have to put in some extra work but it will all be worth it when your partying (i mean studying) hard at uni!seriously really try hard and u will defo be able to bump those grades up in time my lovely!Hope Sainsburys is ok, and as for ther videos。。cringe! The snow white singing one is the worst haha!Give my love to the everyone and tell ur dad he is extremely naughty for not cleaning the bathroom! haha。 Love and miss you millions xxx
Mummy T - Well we are a little dissappointed that it is now Tuesday and no strictly or x factor update!slacking i feel?!As i said on the phone LIVID with Gordon Ramsay right now!am not watching his shows anymore!i feel betrayed!Hope you had fun at the twins bday - let me know how it went!ahh poor carolyn send her my love and best wishes。Hope you two mummies had a lovely lunch and didnt sit there sobbing hehe。Will let you know that we are in Oz safely - love to dad and ross。 Love and miss you trillions as always x
Carlberg - Wow you really are a busy bee! Congrats on the job hope it goes well, is sure to be better than the factory! haha。 Well we are going to be in Sydney for crimbo and new yr but no definate plans as yet but got people to meet so should be cool!you booked/sorted anything for travelling yet?Haha Mother Theresa has been giving us regular Dirty Dancing updates so we know that James and Pamela one - we guessed that and were very pleased he is awesome!Give our love to the girls and dont forget us at your xmas meal!!hehe。 Miss you x
Love you all loads and new blog and pics coming soon!!
Big Kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey there girlies, glad ur both still enjoying the travell. i really cant wait to get away. im starting a new job on monday-in advertising oooooo i know it sounds quite posh for me (they dont know im only planning to stay there until feb haha). well at least it gets me out of working at the pub for xmas yay!!! ive been quit busy at the mo....im planning a surprise 50th bday for my mum which is costing me a fortune, im applying to uni, hopefully ill send it off this week, and its onlt 3 weeks till xmas and i haven't brought a thing-opps!!! are u both looking forward to xmas/new yr?what are ur plans???
glad ur both still enjoying it....shall i tell u who won dirty dancing (my friend) love u both,keep safe xxxxxxxxxx
Jenny Potter
Hey Girlies
How are you both?? I saw your family last night Jem, your mum told me you have a 24 hour coach drive - ouch!! that sounds painful! I think you may be on the coach as i write this actually! spooky! they met Ramsay the new addition - Bailey is still jealous and misses you lots! I have some photo's to send you soon, were off to a fancy dress this weekend and i am going as a queen bee!! wicked costume is on its way - rich is going as Wolverine (he pinched the idea of chris so now were desperately trying to think of something Chris can wear - any ideas?? the theme is good vs evil! i know what your thinking..... how is a bumble bee evil?? well..... i get a pair of pants with a stinger on the end!!! how great is that!!! I have just been taking a peek at your pics and video's - you guys look like your having fun and are very happy. Please be safe out there and keep us posted on how you both are! Miss and love u guys lots
Jen, Rich, Bailey & Ramsay
Jem - Thought i would just let you know that i got my progress report through for As levels so far, serioulsy need to work harder, all E's.. although an E is a pass and my social life is heccccccticcc ! haha only joking. As you said hope all is well with the boyfriend thought you'd be interested to know that i don't actually have one anymore :/ although we'll see what happens - it's all confusingg at the moment and a 22 year old tried it on at bar amigo the other night god help me. Enough about me anyways ! I come on here and your facebook almost everyday, i miss you lots and lots.. i was watching some old videos the other day, that one of auntie theresa holding me and you quacking that Ed the duck in my face !! tooo funny ;) Mum just goes 'what you writing a bloody story', haha i believe i am. But yeah, your both obviously having an amazing time ! seriously so jealous ! love you millionsssss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Hunnies, just looking at your photos and videos again, so good to see you both looking so happy but i bet you are not looking forward to the lenghthy bus journey to sinapore!
jen and richard have a new addition, a puppy called Ramsey, after Gordon I presume who has gone right down in my estimation as it has been alleged he has been having an affair for 7 years, the rat!
The boys are 31 on sunday and we are going over late afternoon to see them, the puppy and the extension, i am having lunch with jill in hitchin on sunday before that, matty is coming over for a curry on saturday as kate is in poland for the weekend. Ross is off to Dublin for the weekend with stan and andy and the girls from holiday, he has been revising hard for his exams in 2 weeks, fingers crossed he passes so he can cross another 2 off his list!
Apparantly carolyn has been put on 2 days per week due to little work in her company, not good especially this time of year.
Will update you re strictly and x factor at the weekend, just lost an assessment on the computer so need to go back and do all again !
keep safe, love and miss you so very much xxxx
Jenny Potter
Hi Guys, just watched your lates video! i loved it! I wish i was out there with you guys! Sounds like your having a fantasic time, keep in touch and be safe. Love and big hugs Jen, Rich, Bailey and Ramsay xx
Kt And Jem
Nana J- Hello you!! well not only can she text, but she's now a wizz on the laptop... you amaze me every day! Glad you like the blogs and pictures, and glad to hear to you are well and had a fab time at amy's party... I better have been sorely missed or there will be trouble missy. hehe!! I wont pester you about Sophias dress.. i'm sure she'll look stunning in anything, but what colour is it? what shape? just kidding! Love you lots and miss you... kisses xxxx
Mel- hello!!!!! Wow cocktails by the harbour bridge sound amazing! Anything would be cool, just be brilliant to meet up- had so much fun when you came to UK! Bless your mummy, she's so sweet! We're not sure of exact dates but will be in around a month so will let you know asap!! Thank you so much... can't wait to see ya! xx
Lozzie Poo- we're glad we can give you some good bed time reading my lovely! Your on the adventure with us in our heads! love you, night night god bless pleasnat dremas sleep tight see you in the morning!! xxx
Chris K- haha!! I can just imagine you doing that!!!! great. Good ol' John Sergeant... what a legend. Well i hope you have a fantastic very sophisticated (cough cough) dinner party, any dancing on the dinner table this time?! only discuss good things about me please! xxx
Jen Jen- thanks for making us feel better! luckily hasnt rained in two days (touch wood!) Hope you're okay, say hi to Neil! Love you xxxx
Simsey! Alright mate?! Hope you're well and check went okay- sorry never got to ask... thanks for the weather update too! xxx
Mum- call ya tomo like i said in my email just now! and what the hell does that even mean?? you been learning Thai?! Love you millions as you may already know! xxx