Sawat dee kha shay bang aawn!!Thanks for all the beautiful pics, vids and blogs - they make me feel very 'appy!!!!! Really looking forward to the next phone call but until then have sent you an email Katie Koos. Keep safe, all my love xxxx
David Sims
Hi Ladies
By the looks of your pics your having fun.I hope all is well with u two and i hope you have fun whatever you do out there.Bet its better weather than it is back here.Take care love Simseyxx
Ahhh guys it all sounds so much fun I wish I was there!! Just to make you feel even better it is cold cold cold here!! (I loved hearing home was cold and raining while I was away ha ha now I am in it boohoo!!) Love the blogs and looking forward to reading more keep looking after each other! Lots of love xxx
Chris K
Oh how fantastic - just read the blog and gone through the photos. I think I am there with you sometimes. Alan and I are seeing Mum and Dad V on Saturday (very sophisticated dinner party don't you know!!!!) Your trip will be discussed in detail and of course we will have to record strictly which is brilliant. Have just got back from my gym class where I gave everyone a demonstration of John Sergeant doing the Salsa. Nobody would partner me so I had to use my kit bag. It was so good I was asked to do it again. Take care, Lots of Love from us. x x x
Lozzie Poo
OMG Girls Love the photos----------- Looks like ur having the time of your lifes!!!! Just read the blog (it was amazing i felt like i was on ur adventure wit u heheh) the blog was my bed time story heheh off 2 bed now night night sleep tight god bless kiss kiss (hehe remember that)
Mel Skeels
hey katie!
Uncle terry sent me and mum this link so i could post on here - great idea! Me and mum weren't sure of the dates your in our part of the world? Let me know the dates and ill be sure to organise something with you!! cocktails by the harbour bridge?? :) he he - and i think mum wants to cook you and jemma a home cooked meal yeah, let me know all the info and ill book it in and start planning something for us. Sounds like your having an amazing time & look forward to hearing from you soon. Lots of luv, mel skeels xx
Nana Joan
Hi there girls, have just been reading your latest blog - what a great time you are having. We had a great time at Amy's party last week - you were sorely missed! I went with Josie and Sophia to get her wedding dress - can't tell you what it is like as I have been sworn to secrecy! I think you are so brave riding on elephants and deep sea diving - wouldn't catch me doing either! Carry on having a super time and keep the blogs coming! Look after yourselves, luv and miss you lots xxxxxx
Kt And Jem
Phew so we finally got the blog on here!!
Matt and Kate -Kate you silly thing you!! Hope your ok and dont have any war wounds!! Hehe glad its bringing back fun memories Matty, you said I would love it and u wasnt wrong! and yes 7/11's are everywhere but so far we have strongly avoided the 50 baht hot dogs!! gross! Love and miss you both lots - take care especially miss spededy!!xx
The Brooks Family - Good one for the x factor update Auntie Dawn, always appreciated! Cant believe you might have snow there, cant even imagine it being christmas in a month just all feels so far away!! Loo Lou dont worry i have learnt from the socks and flip flop mistake and wont be making it again hehe! Love and miss you all loads xxx
Kerry - Kt saw her wall post so we will just write back to you on hear! Backpacking is great isnt it!! MIss you girlies loads but are having a fab time!! Congratulations PC Wheeler - that is fab news and good luck for your 1st day on the beat! hehe. Love to everyone xxx
Mummy T - As always loving the updates, need to find myself a heat magazine out here somewhere!!! Love you millions as always and hope you enjoy the updated blog! Love to dad and ross xxx
Terry and Kath- So glad you like the updates- although prepare yourself for the next one... its a long'un! xx
Daddy V- your wish has come true lovely... blog is on so get reading... love that you visit everyday!!! Keep up the good work, hope you're okay and looking after mummy!! Love you and miss you xxxxxxxx
Mum- the blue skirt was Jemmas- suprise it was too big! hehe! so there. Brilliant about the 'package' 007... lol! I shall pay the man when I see him, dont worry I shall wear disguise!! love you soooo so much hope you're looking after daddy too!! xxxx
Hey Ladies!! Well wrote on ur facebook walls but thought I would write here too! Looks like ur having an amazing time! Isnt backpacking just the best thing??? Well I have offically left the world of easyJet now and start the police on the 8th, just having a couple of weeks off to chill!
Big hugs n Kisses for both of u XXX
Hi girlies What a shame about the blog - the pics are great!! I've got to say that you're both looking good in the bikini shots....and Katie have you been shopping, didn't recognise the sweet blue skirt that you're wearing?? Anyway will look forward to the blog when you get a chance. Also Katie, the package has arrived in Singapore so you can collect whenever it suits you (sounds like a Bond movie!!) I'll email you Steve's mob number. Love and miss you so much xxxx
Kt And Jem
Just wrote the biggest blog yet and just as went to click save it lost it. gutted. waste of money and time and cant face writing it all again so we will do it another time shortly. arghhhh so frustratingly crap.
hi hunnies, in response to your x factor query there are only 3 weeks to go! came in after claire's reception last night to watch it, thought i would just check your blog first and lo and behold auntie dawn had revealed all! rachel was in thebottom 2 ith JLS, all the judges saved JLS, I think they have finally got the message after her being in the bottom 2 three times that the public do not like her! the acts left are : Diana, Alexsandra,JLS.Oghian and Ruth, it was take that night last night and brittany is next week. Talking about claire's wedding us 4 girls had a great time,claire looked very happy, have found a great new drink which i am sure you 2 have come across,little guiness,tia maria and baileys which you drink as a shot, absolutely delicious!
on strictly Rachel got 4 tens, tom and lisa were in 2nd place,austen in 3rd jodie in 4th and christine in 5th, have not yet watched the final show as dad has been watching topgear, will let you know who went as soon as i have watched it.
The night dive sounds amazing, i think you 2 are hooked! take care both of you,love and miss you so much xx
A quick celeb update, tina and ryan from corrie had baby girl, Scarlett.