Krys & Toni's World Adventure
Well, we made it alright after our September 11th flight- thanks goodness! Was very nervous after we asked to sit next to the fire exits for more room and they asked if we were fit enough to help in an emergency, to which Krys replied 'that would be cool'! I then went into a panick thinking he'd jinxed us and we were going to crash. Totally irrational but couldn't calm myself down at the time! We stayed with some friends we had met travelling for a couple of nights who live in Perth which was good. We then flew from Perth to Broome where it is hot and it's a weird little place. It's got a beautiful beach with sunset camel rides and a really laid back outback feeling, totally different to anywhere else we've been in Oz. Spent a lot of time lazing by the hostel pool, but did rouse ourselves to go for a long walk along the beach with a bottle of wine (OK, a box!) and a picnic to watch the sunset over the sea which was great. Wanderered into a nudist part at one point though- oops again. We also booked a trip into the Kimberly, the national park near(ish) by. First stop was a big boab tree which is apparently 1200 years old. It's hollow and legend has it that it was used to hold aboriginal prisoners on their way to court years ago, though thier not certain. I thought I might see if there was any work with the prisoners there but then I thought, 'nah, they'll all be barking mad'- he he, sorry really bad joke, just couldn't help myself. We also went to windjana gorge which had LOADS of fresh water crocodiles which you could go right up to as apparently they are more placid than their salt water friends. I still wasn't taking any chances by getting too close. Lastly they took us to tunnel creak, where we walked though a dark tunnel for a kilometre or so. I was pretty scared as shown in one of the photos we'll put on at some point. I was especially scared when the guide told me there were more crocs in the cave in the water we had to wade though in the pitch black! The town itself was a bit scary. There wer lots of drunk aboriginal groups in the town from early in the morning to late at night and lots of assaults apparently. Real problems there. It seems really segregated. Oops, have run out of time so will have to finish another time cos getting kicked off the computer. Lots of love, Toni and Krys x
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