Krys & Toni's World Adventure
OK, so here I (Toni) am looking through a footie paper about English footie, when for the first time since leaving home I see results for the conference table. Thought I'd see how Scarborough were doing, so scanned the table and couldn't find them. Then to my horror I looked at the conference north table and there we were...... at the bottom...... on -2 points! What the hell happened?! How are we on minus points? Didn't even know we'd been relegated! Someone fill me in please, I'm gutted.
Can't remember where I left off in the last entry. Think I may have written about Noosa already so won't do that again. We then went onto Brisbane, which is the first western city we've been in since leaving (except Singapore I suppose which is kinda western). Did all the cultural things like museums before driving onto Byron Bay.
Byron Bay was fantastic. Really laid back hippie surfer beach town. There are loads of alternative therapy and crystal type shops everywhere. They've even banned McDonalds for going there. Given that I am now a pro surfer thought I'd try and teach Krys. Hmmm, didn't go that well. Didn't manage to stand up for more than a millisecond this time, but Krys did a few times. A surfing teacher nearby kindly said it was because my board I'd hired was too small, so I'm sticking to that excuse. We stayed in our hostel rather than our little van for a night and had a great hot shower which really felt like luxury!
Then it was time to hit the gold coast and Surfer's Paradise. Surfers is about as far away from Byron Bay as you can get. Full of highrises, fast food outlets and bars. However, was a really fun place. Quite funny though as they built all these highrises right on the beach which leaves the beach in the shde from the middle of the afternoon- clever or what! We went to wet and wild water park for the day. The highlight for Krys was my face on a ride called the tornado. It was scary! You went down this really steep ramp on an inflatable before flying up the other side. Not safe I don't think. Also had a night out there and watched the Everton vs. Liverpool game which I won't mention again as Krys gets depressed.
We fly to Perth in about 2 hours which I'm very nervous about as it is September 11th today. 5 year anniversary of twin tower attacks. Will be pleased to land that's for sure.
Lots of love,
Toni and Krys x
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