kristy's travels
Sat 25th
Finally arrived in River Valley after a very long bus ride!
Was so desperate to go to the loo i didnt even make it to the lodge!.......had to go in the bushes on the way down the drive!!
The lodge was amazing, it was down by the river........ but more importantly there were lots of comfy sofas and big tv screen!
After enjoying a healthy roast dinner we spent the evening asking the rafting guys how many people die, are injured etc etc.......................just to relax ourselves before white water rafting the next day!
Sun 26th
Had a fry up to calm my nerves and began getting ready for the scariest activity yet!! for some reason i was really nervous about this one!..............had a really good guide called Alex who has been rafting for ages though.....and he promised to try not to let us flip the boat! phew!!!!
After some initial training we got into the river to practice before hitting the big rapids! I was right at the fron of the boat....not sure if that was a good thing! Apparently the two at the front have to set the paddling rhythm for the rest of the boat....if we dont row together we would be in trouble on the rapids!
It was fun doing everything on the flat river...................commands included 'get right' - (person on left has to basically throw themselves across to the right of the boat and hangs on for dear life! - this stops the boat flipping sideways when you get stuck on the rocks!) unfortunately the girl next to me didnt quite get it and managed to headbutt me in the mouth! ooowwwwww!!!!! its ok tough nowadays!!!
the other good command was 'hold on, get down'....when you hear this you know you are about to tip over the edge of some huge rapids!!!!
we were doing grade 5 rapids which are the biggest you can raft legally! As our boat was full of girls (and 2 guys....... but not the kind with any strength!) we managed to do a couple of the rapids completely wrong as we didnt have the strength to get the boat in position in time..vvv.important!
one time all the other boats were watching in terror and our guide looked like he just wanted to abandon ship! we were about to go down the biggest rapid backwards! .this would have resulted in the boat flipping and everyone swimming for their lives whilst being sucked under by the force of the water!...............not too scary then!!
you cannot imagine how it feels to be stuck on a rock on top of a huge rapid...facing the wrong way! we were basically just closing our eyes and praying for the best!
obviously we made it but it was very lucky and the raft guy said he had been scared! thats never good!!!
basically had a really good time! not sure i would do it again but its really good fun.....................we topped it off by doing a cliff jump! (my first ever!) jumped about 7 metres which is big enough for me!!!!
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