Well my worst nightmare is really happening.
Why i ever thought that coming to India would be a good idea is beyond me!
Firstly, its bloody freezing in Delhi!!! I've had to put a jumper on! Should have know it could only get worse from there.
We arrive late on the 11th. The hotel we had booked said that we could have a free airport pick up - great! After one of the slowest baggage colletions i have ever seen we finally find our little dude from the hotel. He informs us that the car is broken so they are putting us in a taxi back to the hotel. All good. Then he says we are going alone becasue he has another pick up to do. Not so good. It takes ages to get a taxi, being stared at the whole time by hundreds of little indian men, so not a comfortable situation!
Somewhere in one fo the guide books it should warn you about the traffic and road rule in India. In that there is shed loads of it and no rules. They don't worry about lanes or being on the right side of the road. Or whether they are on the pavement or not. Its just a case of everyone trying to duck, dive, push and weave to get to where they want to go and sod everyone else. It is the scarest thing i have ever done, more scary than jumping out of a plane! They just keep honking away on their horns and don't care whether they have right of way or not. Trunks, cars, tuk tuks, scooters, motorbikes, push bikes, donkeys, random cows, people and carts and just stupid people walking between the traffic - it completely mad!!!
Our hotel just made me want to cry. First we were put in suite and we thought it couldn't be all bad. Should have known that was to good to be true and they bumped us down a floor to a manky double room with cockroaches and seriously disgusting sheets. The bathroom was just horrible and i was scared to take a shower.
There are all these men always hanging around. Its seriously disconcerting. One tried to steal Becky's phone and it was horrible. All the books tell you not to trust anyone and it makes you really paranoid.
We asked to go to the offical tourist office and got taken to a travel agent instead who gave us the hard sell. We agreed to a day tour of delhi and will think about the whole trip he is trying to sell us. We wanted to check he was the real deal first.
We have done the Jama Masjid - a massive mosque here, the Gandhi shrine, the humayuns tombs, india gate and parliment buildings.
The next day we went to the national museum and and lotus temple. We wanted to go to Connaught Place which the guide books say is the modern hub of delhi - well i'm sorry, there was no way i was getting out of that car!
Every where you go, old and new delhi, there are grotty houses, people begging and living in tents on the road sides. There are no nice areas that we can see. Where is all the money???? This is supposed to be an up and coming city, they are holding the commonwealth games in a few weeks - i'd love to know where they plan to hide all the homeless people sleeping round all the posh hotels and stadium. I'm sorry but it really is grim here. Everything is really dirty and yucky. There is not enough alcohol gel in the world for this place.
Yes i know i sound like a spoilt princess but this really is a bit to much "culture" for me.
We get stared at everywhere we go. Men follow you round and laugh about you. Its horrible. And the toilets OMG!!!! We are now both dehydrated and possibly brewing kidney infections just to avoid the squatty pottys.
On the plus side we decided to book the trip with the pushy travel agent as he seems about as legit as its going to get around here and its just to hard to arrange everything oursleves.
Good bye Delhi and good ridence!!!!
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