Dun dun dun….
It's today! The day I've been preparing for a year!
Nervous. Excited. Sad. All words that describe how I feel at this exact moment.
I have a lot of things to do today though, so its going to keep me busy. My suitcases are almost ready to close (hopefully I won't have to sit on it). I'm just waiting for my cousin Michelle and get here because we're going to make a serious breakfast. Then as soon as my mom gets home, I need to drive back to York to see if I can find my glasses! I know, I know. I had them Wednesday morning but somehow managed to come home with an empty case! I'm confident that I left them on my end table though, so I'll keep you posted. Secretly I'm kind of glad that I get to see my York house one more time, I loved that house. I loved the people I lived with (most of them haha) and I loved all the crazy adventures I had there! I'm going to miss that place for sure.
Ugh. You know the 'butterflies in your stomach' feeling. Yup that's me!
Anyways, I'm off…
Keep ya posted!
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