I am officially unemployed.
Although that statement scares me, it feels amazing not having to get up early and enter the same building I have worked in the past three years. Mind you, I wouldn't have traded my job in the Admissions Office for anything. The experiences I had there and the people I met have truly made me a better person. I know that sounds kind of cheesy but its true! I started working there after my first year and I can honestly say there is not better job out there that can accommodate a student schedule. The flexibility of this office made it possible for me to work while I went to school full-time, which in turn helped by bank account and social life ;)
Tuesday was my LAST official day and I must say the office did not disappoint (especially with the food haha). I want to thank everyone there for all of their support throughout my time there and I will keep in touch via e-mail. I am also committed to sending a ridiculous Australia postcard to the office so it can be added to the "world traveler's wall".
So what does an unemployed youngin' such as myself during the day? Easy there, its only been 2 days….which has comprised of sleeping in and packing (but that's a whole other blog entry…)
I'm leaving exactly one week today! Nervous? Of course! Excited? Obviously! I'm avoiding all other questions at this point…and just trying to enjoy the time I have left with everyone ☺
I've also made an intense list that I have to get done before I leave and so far so good. Today I've completed my FINAL project at York and god did it feel good to hit the 'send' button. In case you've been living under a rock, York has been on strike since November 6th. How does this affect me going on exchange? Honestly, I'm not sure how to answer that. Other than forcing myself to do my work on time, the ongoing strike didn't "ruin everything" as some people might suggest. I sucked it up and did my essays and assignments as best as I could. Thankfully my Prof's were semi-understanding and I was able to get everything handed in. I even resorted to using Fed-X to mail to one of my professors (it was a 'creative' assignment and I stepped up to the plate….)
To date, I have three final marks and one outstanding grade and considering my school in Australia doesn't start until March 2nd, I'm confident in the education system that I will be able to get a transcript by then (fingers crossed). I feel pretty good about my grades this year and considering all my classes were basically 'self-taught', I'm not too worried about my GPA suffering. Besides, York needs to give students the benefit of the doubt in this situation. I think we've all been patient enough. End rant.
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