So you wanna study abroad do ya? Let me be the first to tell you that the application process takes time and if you're not willing to jump through lots of hoops, maybe this isn't a good option for you :P However, if you are interested, this is how it all got started:
As a student at York University, I knew from the moment I started my program that I didn't want to be just 'another number' at school of 50,000 students. While York is known as a commuter school, I made the decision to live on residence first year. Best decision of my life. I can't explain all the craziness that goes on in the dorms, but if you're reading this and have experienced the 'res' lifestyle (shower flip flops and all), then you know exactly what I am talking about ;)
In my third year, I began to investigate all the study abroad options that York International has to offer. I checked out everything from volunteering, working abroad, and studying overseas. After weighing all of my options, I finally settled on going on exchange and the only hard part was narrowing down a list of potential countries. Thankfully my family and friends were quick to offer their opinions and after a LOT of web surfing, Australia (Melbourne specifically) made it to the top of my list.
So I picked a country- now what? To be honest, I wish I started this blog a year ago so I could track the entire application process...but I didn' I'm strictly relying on my memory. I can truthfully say it took almost an entire year to get everything organized. Looking back, I'm thankful for how smooth the entire process was....and although there were a few worries along the way ('so exactly how do I apply for this student subclass 575 Visa?!'), it all worked out in the end.
Overall the whole process was a rewarding experience. It started with a simple idea: 'yea, it might be fun to go abroad for the year' forward one year later....and I'm actually getting on the plane in 2 weeks! (and I'm still not ready!!!) My desk has been covered in post it notes for the past month. With the help of my friends, I write myself little reminders like "download soothing music for the ridiculously long flight' :) Everyday the list gets shorter and shorter, and I get a little more nervous. You know that butterfly feeling in the pit of your stomach? That's me 24/7 right now.
Countdown: T-minus 15 days!
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