21st March
Bounced out of bed at 7am and a team of us went for a run before the bus. Quite nice to run in a group, novel. Ran a nice woodland track, tuns of stairs, until we found ourselves in a field of very aggressive looking bulls. Flip-reversed and ran back to the hostel. Boarded the bus and made the journey to Rotorua. In another base hostel into a 12-bed dorm but got in with Evelyn and Catherine so that was nice. Alot of people disappeared for afternoon activities but there was nothing we fancied much so we just headed out into the town for a wander. The whole place REEKS of sulphur (pure egg), from the natural hot springs they have here. Oooft, it's a pungent odour. Walked along the lake and amongst the hot pools before returning to base and hopping in the outdoor heated pool. Noice. In the evening we went to the Maori Village experience to gain insight into the native Maori people and their traditions. It was lashing rain. Picked up by our riot of a bus driver- loved a sing song, an accent impression and a horn peep-and driven to the village. Had to nominate a chief who was to take part in the traditional welcoming ceremony that would have taken place when two tribes met to suss out if it was to be a friendly visit or a threatening one. The idiot was supposed to pick up the leaf to indicate peace but he never and 3 people were mutilated before our eyes, dead.....just joking. He picked up the leaf and we fired on into the village. Unfortunately, due to the absolutely terrible weather we were rushed through all the outdoor stuff as everything and everyone was getting absolutely soaked. That was a real shame. Once inside though, they put on a great show. Telling stories through song and dance and demonstrating the terrifyingly agressive Haka. (People here never stop talking about the all blacks, there is reference to them everywhere. Getting a coffee...FYI? All blacks? Good.) Seen our food being cooked in the "Hungi", a big hole in the ground with hot stones. Had an absolute feast of a meal and a bottle of red. As much as there was beautiful meats and potatoes and veggies, know what I was most excited by? Some beetroot. It's weird what you miss. Anyway,enjoyed our chief doing the Haka after dinner then bused it back home with Tooty McTooterson....
22nd March
Met Catherine at 9am, she was staying elsewhere, and headed to get the bus to the Redwood forest. We are standing at the bus stop trying to pickle it out, looking like idiotic tourists when a kind man interjects. He suggested we do the hike around Mount Ngongotaha (exactly) as it is native New Zealand forest land. He was quick to offer which buses we'd need and explained it wasn't too long a hike and we could hit the Redwoods after but should take in some natural New Zealand grown forrest. After all his help he hopped on a bus and drove it away. Not a rogue bus thief, a knowledgable local bus driver whom we were lucky to come across. Done the hike and it was grand. Labyrinths of vines, canapys of ferns, weird bird calls and multi-coloured fungus. Walked about 5km, jumped back on a bus into town then out to the Redwood forest to do some mountain biking. Hit up the bike shop and were informed all the begginers trails were closed because they were logging. Hmm. The guy in the rental place assured us we would be fine on the intermediate tracks (Rhona's not been on a bike in ten years)...we weren't very convinced but we were there and there was no other option so, fired in. If those were the intermediate tracks...the advanced tracks must lead to guaranteed death. It was rough. Crazy steep climbs for lenghty periods then on coming down, vertical slopes, tree roots protruding from the ground, branch obstacles, big holes, puddles, trees covering the track. Rhona took quite a few tumbles including a cartoon style slap and slide into a tree. Blasted on like a trooper though.The last bit - The Dragons Tail, was brilliant fun. Whether it was slightly less death trap like or we were just getting the hang of it, it was quite a thrill. The world championships were held on these tracks. So we finished, after three hours, all bruised and all bleeding and returned to the rental place....the guy was surprised to see us alive. We were all flying high on the fact we had survived. Yas. Returned to the hostel, all walking a bit funny...had some dinner and then lazed in the hot pool for three hours to ease our aching bodies. Exactly what the doctor ordered after such exertion. Bliss.
Kate xxx
- comments
D-Dug You should be a writer Kate. Yer Blogs are brill
Kate Hah! Dad. It's not even proper english. It's Bairdlish. A new style. Thanks though. Glad your enjoying the read :) x
Eccky Peter Really good read old friend. When i read it I imagined it was 21st march and it felt really nice.
BL x x Wonderful story, read it to G, she sat with eyes shut and imagined she was there. Real good. :)