Our latest entry
Hokitika, New Zealand
Bus departed Westport at 9am. Went a wee walk around a nearby seal colony. Once again, absolutely beautiful scenes. Feel we are maybe getting a bit spoilt with the views we are taking in. It may ruin me forever and I'll never again appreciate the more standard things...hopefully not. Seen some little baby seals belly sliding about. Travelle…
Kate It is indeed! Good job :).
re: SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAIain wherer's that? Huka falls?
re: SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAKate Lizzy, great to hear from you. I hope to maybe go back one day indeed. Real bad to miss out.
re: Natural Hot Springs and a HangoverLizzy Duggan Another blog at long last! Shame about the hike, just means you need to go back!
re: Natural Hot Springs and a HangoverBL x x Wonderful story, read it to G, she sat with eyes shut and imagined she was there. Real good. :)
re: Sulphur Stink and Mountain BikingEccky Peter Really good read old friend. When i read it I imagined it was 21st march and it felt really nice.
re: Sulphur Stink and Mountain BikingKate Hah! Dad. It's not even proper english. It's Bairdlish. A new style. Thanks though. Glad your enjoying the read :) x
re: Sulphur Stink and Mountain BikingD-Dug You should be a writer Kate. Yer Blogs are brill
re: Sulphur Stink and Mountain BikingBL x x Laughed and laughed at the life of a glow worm/maggot :) good story. X x
re: Glow Worm CavesD-dug Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
re: photo from 08 April 2012