We're still in Suffers and having a great time. We've spent our second day at Sea Land and we've had another great day. Jennie got carried away dragging Poppy through the fountains that spray up through the ground and had such a good time she decided to push Noah through on his push chair. As I stood watching one of the staff asked if I wanted him to call security. Jen , Pops and Noah all thought this highly amusing.
The hotel we are staying in is 4 and a half stars and most of the people here look like they are not short of a bob or two. We , on the other hand, have booked what they call a red hot deal (cheap) and decided that the mini bar looked a bit expensive. So I drove into surfers yesterday (our wedding anniverarsy) and came back with 2 take aways and some wine (I'm not saying how much). This morning we took the kids out for breakfast (in the campervan in the car park) and at lunch time we came back to the hotel to eat the sandwiches I had prepared after breaksfast. So Mum and Dad and Rod and Carol I think it is true that over time you turn into your parents......I even complained to reception tonight because there was a party going on in the car park and they were getting a bit rowdy. Tomorrow we are looking forward to a game of bingo and a tea dance followed by dominoes and cribbage in the evening. This is what Surfers Paradise is all about.
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