Good to hear from you again and glad you got to NZ ok. Love the photos. I think I could have coped with the train as it was going upwards! Downwards would have been a different matter!
Gran and A Sue coming over today and the lady from John Lewis is coming to measure for the curtains. Should have gone to Cambridge yesterday with Bridget but she was too hassled in the end so we're going on May 1st with luck. I didn't mind as I'm a bit hassled too with the Bristols and Birminghams coming on Saturday. Want the place to look nice after all. They've not seen the alterations yet.
Hope the Kiwi bus is comfortable! Have fun.
Acres of love. XXXX
Hi Katie.
Sorry to miss you yesterday. I must have arrived just after you rang and Gran was upstairs and probably didn't hear the phone.
Hope you had a good flight and are enjoying Christchurch. Have a great tour in NZ. Looking forward to some photos from there.
Love you to pieces. XXXX
Hi Katie
I'm very jealous of all the fun you are having, although I've been having fun too! It must have been very good to see Francine again.
I wnet to the Winchester Playford Ball in the Guildhall last night with Geraldine and Peter and Jenny and Trish from Park Street ajd her new husband Dave. I drove to Rothamsted Pavillion and met EM and YM who had been doing a joint dance out in St Albans. It was pretty much still spring then! so they had a good time.
The plan was that I would drive Pete and Jenny and Geraldine to Winchester, G having caught a train to Woking and then getting a lif with Liz and Norman, but when Geraldine got to the station platform, the train was in there, but the doors were locked, and they wouldn't let her on because she hadn't been there 2 minutes before departure!! So she had to drive to St A, and then Harpenden. So she had to drive back to W, and wanted a passenger, which I wanted to be, because I hadn't previously ridden in the MX5.
Meanwhile Jenny had backed their Zafira into a metal post, which broke the rear windscreen.
So I rode down to W with G, and PnJ drove their Honda Civic.
We had a splendid Richard cooked dinner, and then went onto the Ball. John who called at G's 50th was the caller, and everybody was charming and friendly, and the dances were just challinging enough, both physically and mentally, and we had a wonderful time, and eventuall went to bed absolutely exhausted.
I had promised myself I would go to 8-00 at Christ Church, about half a mile away, but my legs were so tired, and my feet so sore I didn't know if I'd make it. Anyway, I set off through the snow, but, it being the 1st Sunday, St Paul's, much closer and on the way, had a service, so, with much relief I turned in there.
Got back to GnR's to find them the information hub for whether today's Morris practices were or weren't cancelled. Phil and Cathy rang to say they were on their way from Shropshire, but later, after Liz had cancelled the women's practice, they rang to say they were turning back. Peter steadfastly refused to cancell the men's practice, and indeed, as I left Rothamsted, there were 6 men and a musician practicing, and only 15 minutes late, in spite of Richard taking longer to provide his magnificent breakfast then we expected, and the motorways busy with traffic, and 3rd lanes blocked with snow!!
EM do live busy lives. I'm not sure I can cope!!
Have fun in NZ. Thanks for keeping us up to date. Love you loads
Jim and I have enjoyed following your travels and sent you an email awhile ago. Did you get it? We're still hoping you'll stay with us when you visit Toronto and we can show you around a bit. Just let us know when!
You found Dr Kennedy!! Can't work out if that is more or less exciting than finding Nemo. Was it very nerve racking? Did you actually speak to them or just pose with them? Were they friendly?
Nothing exciting here, just missing you.
Love you sweetheart.
Hi Katie.
Forgot to say in my email that Lucy isn't walking yet but is a good crawler! Perhaps Jo or Craig would like to give you more info on her progress!? They went to London to celebrate Jo's birthday and went on the London Eye!
Bill paid successfully. Hannah served me and was interested to hear about your trip!
Bumped into Philomena today. Her eldest, Kirstie was born same day as Deb at QE2 and we shared early birthday parties. Last met at cinema years ago! Remember? We've exchanged phone numbers!
Love from Daddy and me. XXXX
Auntie Helen
Hi Katie
I thought you would like to know that Grace has been walking a few steps since Easter. She loses confidence after being adventurous and then falling over !!! We are having her for a "sleepover" on Saturday. Probably the first and last!!
Pleased you are having a good time .
Love from us all.
Hi Katie.
Love the photos. Some of them took me back 30 years! And sunrise at Ayres rock was great.
Have fun in Sydney. I've sent an email too.
Love you to pieces. XXXX
Captain Booty
Glad you are having heaps of fun. Thank you very very much for calling me on saturday, it made my birthday! Lots of love and kisses (and clean pants) from the over 25!
Auntie Sue
Hope you have enjoyed seeing Glenwood, and spending a little time with Di and Tim. Jen and I are very envious! Your Mum and Dad came and spent the day with us today. Nice. We tried to talk about you and Di and Tim, but the conversation drifted to the muddle over changing the clocks and time differences!! Jo Craig and Lucy were in London for the weekend, but returned a short while before your folks left, so they (your folks) were able to see the new improved Lucy model! Hope you both are well and go on enjoying your trip. By the way we are waiting eagerly for Glenwood photos. Did you help Tim to send on the ones from David? Thanks. Great. Lots of love.
Hi Sweetheart
So glad you finally found Nemo. The boat trip and scuba tour sound lovely.
Had a quiet Easter weekend, was nice to have 4 days off ina row.
Love you lots
Di & Tim
this email thing is good when you get the hang of it ! is it friday you arrive ? or saturday . how long can you stay ? have you got a driving licence? will meet the gull @ 5.30