You wuggled a Koala!!! (Well, nearly). What an amazing experience, I didn't realise you'd actually be able to stroke and hold the animals.
WHAT was that nutter doing, wrestling with tigers? Although they did look cute. The gators scared me from the other side of the world, so goodness knows what they did to you guys.
I went on a tour of the Emirates today, cos I'm doing it for a project at uni. It was cool, I've got pictures of me in the director's box, in the changing rooms and on Arsene Wenger's pitchside seat.
I miss you swweetheat, and I love you so much. Love to Jo. Debbiexx
Hi Kate.
Great photos and I'm first to see them again!! Auntie Helen will want a Koala even more now!
Hope you enjoy Frazer Island. The only thing I found out about it on the net was it's the largest sand island in the world. It's going to be sand in everything again!
Simon showed up late to explain they haven't quite finished but hope to be with us by lunch time. They've started at the Marshes too. Tony will do the decorating after all. Phew.
Heaps of love to you and Jo. XXXX
Hi Honey
Well done you. Cooking healthy food, soaking up the culture. Good girl.
Wehelped Charlie and Pinky move yesterday. There was me, Bjorn, Pinky, Charlie, Peewee and Chris and Charlie's friend Tony. They have a lovely house and it was a really fun day, especially as we took a 4 hour lunch breakt o go to the pub and watch the Man U game, which they lost, so it was a brilliant day.
What a long sentance, knackered now, love you, Debbiexx
Captain Booty
hi buttons. well done for finding a lazy way to surf!!!!
bummer about the cold. i think that mummy's advice is probably more sensible than debbie's, but debbie's prob more fun. U cud try drinking ur cocktails out of melons etc, and then eating the melon after?????
If u can find nemo in the barrier reef, that wud be the most awesome thing ever! esp if u can find the cool turtles and dory!!!
love and kisses from the old person in chelt. xxxxx
Hello Sweetheart.
Surfing sounds likes lots of fun, and fun bar crawls as well. Make sure that when you are out you drink fruit cocktails, that way you can up your vitamin intake. Tee hee.
Love you lots
Sorry about your cold. Go and buy some fruit and/or vitamin tablets, especially Vit C, and do it NOW! Yes Mummy! Seriously if you don't eat properly you won't be able to enjoy the trip. If you run short you know what to do!
Glad you enjoyed surfing. Maybe you'll get another chance to try it and find your feet!! Main thing is to enjoy it and be safe.
Hope Brisbane proves nicer than you expect!
Tons of love. XXXX
Slightly over excited about that.
Wow! Jo holding that big ol snake. Did you hold one too??? Of course you held the one in Oz. Teehee. Brave girls.
The boys you are hanging with are cute. Like deaf guy very much.
Lots of love
Captain Booty
Glad that you have clean pants! Shame about the weather, but at least you are getting some nice times. love and kisses xxxxxxxxxxx
I have saved the Koala picture - tried to set it as my backdrop but it wasnt suitable - couldnt see any of my icons !!!!
love from us all - its cold here !!
Hey Sweetheart
So did you surf??? It must be worth a go, especially if you get a refund if it doesn't work.
More nice people to have fun with. I think that's what I envy you the most for, all the camaderie (sp?) of people on the hostel/backpackers trail.
At work at the mo, so haven't had time to look the pics. Did you really find Nemo? Were you well excited?
Bjorn's back in the country. We got home frrom the airport at about 7.30 and then he took Ben home and came back. He must be exhausted. Certainly didn't move when I poked him this morning.
Anyway, love you oodles, I should probably do some work now.
Miss you tons and tons and tons and tons and tons (etc)
Auntie Helen
I want to see a a Koala !!!!!
a koala was my teddy when I was a little girl
Love from us all
Hi Kate.
Great pics. Glad you managed to put them up. Did you really find Nemo?? I shall have to look through more carefully! The slide show goes a bit fast.
I definitely slept through the earthquake! First I knew about it was when Dad texted me from Israel at 7am to ask if I felt it? I didn't know what he was talking about!! And he woke me up!